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20th Century Boys, Band 9 di Naoki Urasawa
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20th Century Boys, Band 9 (edizione 2004)

di Naoki Urasawa (Autore), Josef Shanel (Übersetzer), Matthias Wissnet (Übersetzer)

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This is the story of a gang of boys who try to save the world! As boys, Kenji and his friends came up with a bunch of stories about an evil organization bent on world destruction. As adults, someone is now turning their fantasies into reality! Reads R to L (Japanese Style). This is the story of a gang of boys who try to save the world! As boys, Kenji and his friends came up with a bunch of stories about an evil organization bent on world destruction. As adults, someone is now turning their fantasies into reality! The year is 2014, and Neo Tokyo is completely under the control of the Friend. Kanna has decided to stand up and avenge Kenji--will she be able to muster up enough support for her cause? Kanna makes her way to a mafia-operated casino and quickly finds herself at a high stakes table. Is she lucky (and smart) enough to turn the odds in her favor at the bizarre and fast-paced game of Rabbit Nabokov? While Kanna marshals her forces, Koizumi Kyoko experiences true horror at the reeducation camp known as Friend Land. Going back in time in their "Virtual World," she meets Kenji and his pals as boys in 1971 and sees something that is strictly taboo: the Friend's childhood face! Will she live to report back on the Friend's identity?… (altro)
Titolo:20th Century Boys, Band 9
Autori:Naoki Urasawa (Autore)
Altri autori:Josef Shanel (Übersetzer), Matthias Wissnet (Übersetzer)
Info:Panini (2004), Edition: 1.,, 208 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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20th Century Boys, Volume 9: Rabbit Nabokov di Naoki Urasawa

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With help from Yoshitsune (Captain), Koizumi makes her way in the indoctrination camp to the extra level in virtual reality test. But here lies a great danger that Captain identifies at the last moment, danger so great that he knows Koizumi's life is in danger.

On the other end Kanna tries to organize the resistance and she decides to play big in order to gather sufficient forces. And here her strange abilities will start to manifest. World is in balance because it seems that Expo in Tokyo 2015 and place where Pope will visit will be a place of great bloodshed.

Art is always gorgeous.

Highly recommended. ( )
  Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Man, Naoki Urasawa keeps finding new shoes to drop on the reader. I feel safe saying that he writes suspense fiction on par with any big-name writer of suspense fiction on the New York Times Best-Seller List. ( )
  Count_Zero | Jul 7, 2020 |
Okay. Kanna is freakin' awesome. She's a deux ex machina running around as a main character, and what's more, she's got style.

I know the book of the new prophesy is kinda necessary here, and it is being used well, but really... I gotta say, "Eh? Please." Good for plot, good for complications, but it is kinda stretching my credulity. Not like the 50 meter tall robot did that, of course. What does it say about me that I can accept the more outrageous story ideas over the slightly plausible ones?

Perhaps nothing. I think we're all a bit like that. ( )
  bradleyhorner | Jun 1, 2020 |
I love this series, in part because it walks a very fine line between outright ridiculousness and fantastic storytelling. Unfortunately, I felt that this volume fell off the balance beam and did a face-plant on the ridiculous side. Let's hope this isn't a portent of things to come in the next volume. ( )
  GratzFamily | Jul 27, 2013 |
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This is the story of a gang of boys who try to save the world! As boys, Kenji and his friends came up with a bunch of stories about an evil organization bent on world destruction. As adults, someone is now turning their fantasies into reality! Reads R to L (Japanese Style). This is the story of a gang of boys who try to save the world! As boys, Kenji and his friends came up with a bunch of stories about an evil organization bent on world destruction. As adults, someone is now turning their fantasies into reality! The year is 2014, and Neo Tokyo is completely under the control of the Friend. Kanna has decided to stand up and avenge Kenji--will she be able to muster up enough support for her cause? Kanna makes her way to a mafia-operated casino and quickly finds herself at a high stakes table. Is she lucky (and smart) enough to turn the odds in her favor at the bizarre and fast-paced game of Rabbit Nabokov? While Kanna marshals her forces, Koizumi Kyoko experiences true horror at the reeducation camp known as Friend Land. Going back in time in their "Virtual World," she meets Kenji and his pals as boys in 1971 and sees something that is strictly taboo: the Friend's childhood face! Will she live to report back on the Friend's identity?

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