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Discourses and selected writings di…
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Discourses and selected writings (edizione 2008)

di Epiktetos,, Robert F. Dobbin

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744531,580 (4.34)5
"Epictetus, a Greek Stoic and freed slave, ran a thriving philosophy school in Nicopolis in the early second century AD. His animated discussions were celebrated for their rhetorical wizardry and were written down by Arrian, his most famous pupil. Together with the Enchiridion, a manual of his main ideas, and the fragments collected here, The Discourses argue that happiness lies in learning to perceive exactly what is in our power to change and what is not, and in embracing our fate to live in harmony with god and nature. In this personal, practical guide to the ethics of Stoicism and moral self-improvement, Epictetus tackles questions of freedom and imprisonment, illness and fear, family, friendship and love, and leaves an intriguing document of daily life in the classical world." "In the introduction that accompanies his lively new translation, Robert Dobbin discusses Epictetus' life, his place in the Stoic tradition, his influence on world philosophies and his relevance in the modern day. This edition also includes a bibliography, notes and a glossary of names."--Jacket… (altro)
Titolo:Discourses and selected writings
Altri autori:Robert F. Dobbin
Info:London : Penguin, 2008
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura
Etichette:philosophy, ethics

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Discourses and Selected Writings di Epictetus

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He didn’t receive a governorship. He had enough money for a comfortable life with ethics.
He repeated an anecdote of a colleague who (told off) successfully manipulated a pupil to self-criticise himself who had arrived in the latest fashionable gear.
  BJMacauley | Jun 8, 2024 |
absolute fav philosophy book. or at least top 3. this book is one of those that made me genuinely appreciate being alive and i now still use some ideas and concepts in my everyday life. ( )
  slspencer2021 | Dec 10, 2021 |
Another Stoic reminding us that death is always near, and so we must make best use of the time remaining to us. The Enchiridion is a great concept - a little book of thoughts to carry around and help us cope with life's problems. ( )
  sharonandjerry | Dec 31, 2019 |
Robert Dobbin manages the hugely difficult task of translating with an appropriate sense of immediacy but without losing accuracy. His use of slang and contemporary idiom doesn't jar, and adds to the conversational way in which Arrian presents Epictetus's discourses. The selection of material (including fragments from other works) is as complete as possible, and there is enough critical apparatus to frame the work without swamping it. ( )
1 vota Lirmac | Sep 11, 2018 |
Ancient Greek philosophy that is personal, practical, and readable.
  zenosbooks | Sep 9, 2012 |
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"Epictetus, a Greek Stoic and freed slave, ran a thriving philosophy school in Nicopolis in the early second century AD. His animated discussions were celebrated for their rhetorical wizardry and were written down by Arrian, his most famous pupil. Together with the Enchiridion, a manual of his main ideas, and the fragments collected here, The Discourses argue that happiness lies in learning to perceive exactly what is in our power to change and what is not, and in embracing our fate to live in harmony with god and nature. In this personal, practical guide to the ethics of Stoicism and moral self-improvement, Epictetus tackles questions of freedom and imprisonment, illness and fear, family, friendship and love, and leaves an intriguing document of daily life in the classical world." "In the introduction that accompanies his lively new translation, Robert Dobbin discusses Epictetus' life, his place in the Stoic tradition, his influence on world philosophies and his relevance in the modern day. This edition also includes a bibliography, notes and a glossary of names."--Jacket

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