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The politics of hope : the words of Barack Obama

di Henry Russell

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The election of the first African American as President of the United States was always going to be a moment of immense historical significance but, beyond the fact of his race, what is perhaps most remarkable about Barack Obama has been his truly exceptional skill as an orator. He has proven himself capable of uniting a vast, disparate nation hungry for a new approach, inspiring the American people, and people around the world, to believe in his ability to deliver change. On the road to the White House, he revealed in speeches and interviews an outstanding ability to express the thoughts and aspirations of the whole nation, a gift that led to millions travelling to hear him speak live. Obama's speeches utilize a language that is populist yet intelligent, clear yet literary, referential to a great tradition of orators -- reaching back to the Romans and numbering some of the greatest figures in American history, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, among them -- yet directed towards the future. From childhood memories right up to his impassioned inaugural speech, this book captures many of the most inspiring words of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States; words that have captured the imagination of the American people and helped to make history.… (altro)
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The election of the first African American as President of the United States was always going to be a moment of immense historical significance but, beyond the fact of his race, what is perhaps most remarkable about Barack Obama has been his truly exceptional skill as an orator. He has proven himself capable of uniting a vast, disparate nation hungry for a new approach, inspiring the American people, and people around the world, to believe in his ability to deliver change. On the road to the White House, he revealed in speeches and interviews an outstanding ability to express the thoughts and aspirations of the whole nation, a gift that led to millions travelling to hear him speak live. Obama's speeches utilize a language that is populist yet intelligent, clear yet literary, referential to a great tradition of orators -- reaching back to the Romans and numbering some of the greatest figures in American history, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, among them -- yet directed towards the future. From childhood memories right up to his impassioned inaugural speech, this book captures many of the most inspiring words of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States; words that have captured the imagination of the American people and helped to make history.

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