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Spellsinger: Book 1 di Alan Dean Foster
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Spellsinger: Book 1 (originale 1983; edizione 2004)

di Alan Dean Foster (Autore)

Serie: Spellsinger (01)

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1,4241613,569 (3.61)20
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

A musician is transported into a land of magic—from the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Trek Into Darkness.
Jonathan Thomas Meriweather is a typical college student, interested in girls, music, and an occasional taste of reefer. But when a journey through an interdimensional portal lands him in a world of talking animals and ominous sorcery, he finds he is on a very different trip indeed. Here, when he plays a strange instrument called a duar, peculiar things happen: powerful magic that may be the only way to stop a dark force that threatens his new world—and his old one. Reluctantly, he finds himself teaming up with a semi-senile turtle wizard; a thieving, backstabbing otter; and a bewildered Marxist dragon to rally an army for the war about to come.

Spellsinger, the first in Alan Dean Foster's eight-book Spellsinger series, introduces a world of magic and mayhem, where animals are people and plunging ahead no matter what the consequences may be the only way to survive.… (altro)
Titolo:Spellsinger: Book 1
Autori:Alan Dean Foster (Autore)
Info:I Books (2004), 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura

Informazioni sull'opera

ˆIl ‰cantante delle magie di Alan Dean Foster (1983)

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» Vedi le 20 citazioni

Hilarious and captivating. A great book, first in an extensive series by a Grandmaster of SF ( )
  acb13adm | Sep 13, 2023 |
I remember being bonkers for this series when I was in college. I don't know how well they'd hold up on a re-read, but based on the fond memories, I'm giving 4 stars to the ones I'm sure I read. ( )
  Harks | Dec 17, 2022 |
An old favorite, and still quite nice. Addresses various isms fairly well, while also somewhat playing into them. Nifty work nevertheless. ( )
  wetdryvac | Mar 2, 2021 |
I read this one off of the advice of a coworker, and boy did he have me right. I wouldn't say that this is my favorite fantasy world but it sure was fun. I really am a fan of anthropomorphic animal stories, and this one really did have something. Despite some emotional turmoil in my life the past few days and a tablet whose app kept malfunctioning I was able to keep reading and finish in a relatively short amount of time.
I must admit that this story reads a bit like the dream of someone very high, probably because when you first meet our main character he is high. This could turn off some readers, but I enjoyed his reactions. Like most coming of age in a fantasy setting type books the main character is sometimes an annoying prick, but for all that I forgive him because he's an academic without much world hardening to him yet. The story isn't very complex, mostly being about a group of people bonding to each other on a wandering adventure to save a magical version of Earth. This book was clearly a warm-up to the series. I like the take on magic. It's cute, the use of scientific jargon as key magical terms, I'd just caution people not to take that literally in our dimension. Overall, I'd say furries and fantasy fans alike would enjoy themselves as long as they are looking for fun and not something deep, so if you're considering, then give this series a go. ( )
1 vota Noeshia | Oct 23, 2020 |
Anthropomorphic "Yankee in King Arthur's Court" with musical based magic and a looming threat to the world in the background. ( )
  SirCrash | Jan 13, 2020 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

A musician is transported into a land of magic—from the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Trek Into Darkness.
Jonathan Thomas Meriweather is a typical college student, interested in girls, music, and an occasional taste of reefer. But when a journey through an interdimensional portal lands him in a world of talking animals and ominous sorcery, he finds he is on a very different trip indeed. Here, when he plays a strange instrument called a duar, peculiar things happen: powerful magic that may be the only way to stop a dark force that threatens his new world—and his old one. Reluctantly, he finds himself teaming up with a semi-senile turtle wizard; a thieving, backstabbing otter; and a bewildered Marxist dragon to rally an army for the war about to come.

Spellsinger, the first in Alan Dean Foster's eight-book Spellsinger series, introduces a world of magic and mayhem, where animals are people and plunging ahead no matter what the consequences may be the only way to survive.

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