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Money of the American Indians and other primitive currencies of the Americas

di Don Taxay

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The present volume is the first to offer a comprehensive study of aboriginal American currency. Beyond this, and of no less importance, it provides a detailed theory of hte origins of money, based on the ancient desirability of magico-religious objects. Under certain conditions, the author tells us, theses early desiderata were able to evolve into favored barter items and then into actual currency. The various monetary forms are described and illustrated, and their history, ritual use and mytho-poetic symbolism are explored in detail. the result is a unique blend of ethnology an dnumismatics, at once scholarly and eminently readable. The general reader, to whom the term "Indian mone" usually denotes wampum alone, will be intrigued by the wealth, variety and exotic nature of the media he encounters. Specialists, too, will find much new information, as well as original conclusions on a variety of subjects For example, Mr. Taxay proves that the origin of wampum, far from being obscure, is clearly and definitely recorded in the historical traditions of the Iroquois. Elsewhere, he argues strongly on behalf of a "shield" designation for the celebrated Northwest Coast chief's copper, and identifies the mysterisious "esnurgni" beads of Ontario and tin "coins" of pre-Columbian Mexico. The text is illustrated throught by pictures of the various currency items, a number of which are shown in their aboriginal setting.… (altro)
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The present volume is the first to offer a comprehensive study of aboriginal American currency. Beyond this, and of no less importance, it provides a detailed theory of hte origins of money, based on the ancient desirability of magico-religious objects. Under certain conditions, the author tells us, theses early desiderata were able to evolve into favored barter items and then into actual currency. The various monetary forms are described and illustrated, and their history, ritual use and mytho-poetic symbolism are explored in detail. the result is a unique blend of ethnology an dnumismatics, at once scholarly and eminently readable. The general reader, to whom the term "Indian mone" usually denotes wampum alone, will be intrigued by the wealth, variety and exotic nature of the media he encounters. Specialists, too, will find much new information, as well as original conclusions on a variety of subjects For example, Mr. Taxay proves that the origin of wampum, far from being obscure, is clearly and definitely recorded in the historical traditions of the Iroquois. Elsewhere, he argues strongly on behalf of a "shield" designation for the celebrated Northwest Coast chief's copper, and identifies the mysterisious "esnurgni" beads of Ontario and tin "coins" of pre-Columbian Mexico. The text is illustrated throught by pictures of the various currency items, a number of which are shown in their aboriginal setting.

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