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Clear Evidence

di Mark Ashton

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The Reality Check series makes just one assumption: that you're serious enough about your spiritual journey to investigate Christianity with an open mind. This isn't about joining anyone's religious club--it's about being real with yourself and with the others in your group. Since no one has all the answers, there's plenty of room for discussion. After all, if there is any truth to the Bible's stories about Jesus, then one thing he'd welcome are questions and opinions that come from honest, earnest hearts.Miracles? Rising from the dead? God Incarnate? Some people say such claims about Jesus are myths and lies. Yet through the years countless others, beginning with Jesus' closest friends, have staked their lives on the accuracy of those claims. Fortunately, faith is not a leap in the dark. In Clear Evidence, you'll weigh the arguments for and against the Jesus of the Bible. How convincing is the case for either side? The verdict is yours.Clear Evidence includes these sessions: Credible Sources A Brush with Greatness Reason, Faith, and . . . Miracles? The Finish Line Final Proof Skeptics TurnFor the Group LeaderReality Check is for spiritual seekers of every persuasion. Uncompromisingly Christian in its perspective, it steers wide of pat answers and aims at honesty. This innovative and thought-provoking series will challenge you and those in your group to connect heart to heart as together you explore the interface between Jesus, the Bible, and the realities of this world in which we live.… (altro)
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The Reality Check series makes just one assumption: that you're serious enough about your spiritual journey to investigate Christianity with an open mind. This isn't about joining anyone's religious club--it's about being real with yourself and with the others in your group. Since no one has all the answers, there's plenty of room for discussion. After all, if there is any truth to the Bible's stories about Jesus, then one thing he'd welcome are questions and opinions that come from honest, earnest hearts.Miracles? Rising from the dead? God Incarnate? Some people say such claims about Jesus are myths and lies. Yet through the years countless others, beginning with Jesus' closest friends, have staked their lives on the accuracy of those claims. Fortunately, faith is not a leap in the dark. In Clear Evidence, you'll weigh the arguments for and against the Jesus of the Bible. How convincing is the case for either side? The verdict is yours.Clear Evidence includes these sessions: Credible Sources A Brush with Greatness Reason, Faith, and . . . Miracles? The Finish Line Final Proof Skeptics TurnFor the Group LeaderReality Check is for spiritual seekers of every persuasion. Uncompromisingly Christian in its perspective, it steers wide of pat answers and aims at honesty. This innovative and thought-provoking series will challenge you and those in your group to connect heart to heart as together you explore the interface between Jesus, the Bible, and the realities of this world in which we live.

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