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Informants and undercover investigations : a practical guide to law, policy, and procedure

di Dennis G. Fitzgerald

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While informants are an invaluable aspect of criminal investigations, often instrumental in exposing corporate fraud, drug cartels, and terrorist networks, that they present management challenges should come as no surprise. Unstable and unpredictable at best, many are felons between prison sentences, and in the necessarily clandestine world they inhabit there is little room for institutional control. Mistakes and mismanagement often seem to occur in a vacuum until exposed by a high profile scandal. Lack of training and communication among law enforcement professionals condemn the same errors to be repeated time and again, often with devastating consequences. "Informants and Undercover Investigations: A Practical Guide to Law, Policy, and Procedure" is the most comprehensive examination of informant related issues in a single volume. Designed as a sourcebook with clear explanations of applicable laws, department policies, and time-tested procedures, each chapter addresses a distinct topic allowing the reader to quickly locate a particular subject. Using pertinent Supreme Court, federal, and state cases; statutory law; federal, state, and local law enforcement guidelines; and field-tested training materials; this book provides relevant information to all levels of investigation from basic search warrant cases to complex criminal investigations. The author provides the most current and verified information regarding informant motivation, including mitigated sentencing and monetary compensation; recruiting; documentation; corroboration; electronic surveillance; and the witness security program. He addresses the pitfalls and management challenges of handling an informant and recommends strategies for avoiding them. Extensively researched appendices cover the Attorney General's guidelines for use of informants, FBI undercover operations, IRS informants, DEA policy for cooperating sources, as well as examples of local policy.; Shedding light on the shadowy world of informants and undercover investigations, this book provides law enforcement officials, prosecutors, judges, defense counsel, and criminal justice training institutions a single source reference to understand and streamline the use of this indispensable yet notoriously unpredictable investigative tool.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daaiuhoustonlibrary
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While informants are an invaluable aspect of criminal investigations, often instrumental in exposing corporate fraud, drug cartels, and terrorist networks, that they present management challenges should come as no surprise. Unstable and unpredictable at best, many are felons between prison sentences, and in the necessarily clandestine world they inhabit there is little room for institutional control. Mistakes and mismanagement often seem to occur in a vacuum until exposed by a high profile scandal. Lack of training and communication among law enforcement professionals condemn the same errors to be repeated time and again, often with devastating consequences. "Informants and Undercover Investigations: A Practical Guide to Law, Policy, and Procedure" is the most comprehensive examination of informant related issues in a single volume. Designed as a sourcebook with clear explanations of applicable laws, department policies, and time-tested procedures, each chapter addresses a distinct topic allowing the reader to quickly locate a particular subject. Using pertinent Supreme Court, federal, and state cases; statutory law; federal, state, and local law enforcement guidelines; and field-tested training materials; this book provides relevant information to all levels of investigation from basic search warrant cases to complex criminal investigations. The author provides the most current and verified information regarding informant motivation, including mitigated sentencing and monetary compensation; recruiting; documentation; corroboration; electronic surveillance; and the witness security program. He addresses the pitfalls and management challenges of handling an informant and recommends strategies for avoiding them. Extensively researched appendices cover the Attorney General's guidelines for use of informants, FBI undercover operations, IRS informants, DEA policy for cooperating sources, as well as examples of local policy.; Shedding light on the shadowy world of informants and undercover investigations, this book provides law enforcement officials, prosecutors, judges, defense counsel, and criminal justice training institutions a single source reference to understand and streamline the use of this indispensable yet notoriously unpredictable investigative tool.

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