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Screen Methods: Comparative Readings in Film Studies

di Jacqueline Furby

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Screen Methods: Comparative Readings in Film Studies is a collection of essays that explores the progression of film studies, an increasingly popular subject at universities, and how it has been approached theoretically, culturally and historically. In doing so, the contributors provide invaluable insight into many of the theories at the heart of film studies. The book focuses on classical theories, culture-based approaches, early and modern theory, statistical approaches and the (potential) future of critical film theory. Divided into three sections, the essays discuss 'film form and method', including notions of time, space and sound in cinema; 'theory and method', including the idea of spectatorship and portrayals of sex, sexuality and family; and 'new technology and method', which includes digital cinema, the influence of special effects and audience studies. Films featured include Went the Day Well? (1942), Rear Window (1954), Star Wars (1977), A Room with a View (1985), Philadelphia (1993), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Romance (1999), American Beauty (1999) and Gladiator (2000), as well as the films of Jacques-Louis David and Ridley Scott.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dab1234, cameraobscurajournal, iimago
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Screen Methods: Comparative Readings in Film Studies is a collection of essays that explores the progression of film studies, an increasingly popular subject at universities, and how it has been approached theoretically, culturally and historically. In doing so, the contributors provide invaluable insight into many of the theories at the heart of film studies. The book focuses on classical theories, culture-based approaches, early and modern theory, statistical approaches and the (potential) future of critical film theory. Divided into three sections, the essays discuss 'film form and method', including notions of time, space and sound in cinema; 'theory and method', including the idea of spectatorship and portrayals of sex, sexuality and family; and 'new technology and method', which includes digital cinema, the influence of special effects and audience studies. Films featured include Went the Day Well? (1942), Rear Window (1954), Star Wars (1977), A Room with a View (1985), Philadelphia (1993), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Romance (1999), American Beauty (1999) and Gladiator (2000), as well as the films of Jacques-Louis David and Ridley Scott.

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