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Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer…
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Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (edizione 2005)

di Natalie Goldberg

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5,469842,001 (4.02)79
Experience a modern classic on writing as you've never heard it before. With nearly one million copies of Writing Down the Bones in print, Natalie Goldberg has helped change the way writing is practiced in homes, schools, and workshops across America. Through her heartfelt personal reflections and her ingenious Zen-based exercises, Goldberg makes writing available to you as a tool for personal expression, self-exploration, and healing. In this enhanced reading of her seminal work, Goldberg offers new commentary about the creative, spiritual, and practical dimensions of writing. Join her as she looks back on her life, sharing the story of how her meditation studies with Zen master Katagiri Roshi inspired her to develop practices for "writing down the bones": the essential, awakened speech of the mind. Here is a treasury of tested ideas, suggestions, and exercises that help new writers get started, and seasoned writers keep going. Includes an exclusive interview with the author available nowhere else.… (altro)
Titolo:Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within
Autori:Natalie Goldberg
Info:Shambhala (2005), Edition: Expanded, Paperback, 224 pages
Collezioni:In lettura

Informazioni sull'opera

Scrivere zen: manuale di scrittura creativa di Natalie Goldberg

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» Vedi le 79 citazioni

Schrijven vanuit je hart. 60 Inspiratiekaarten. Door: Natalie Goldberg.

Schrijven vanuit je hart (het boek) leerde ik kennen door Geertje Couwenbergs Zin. Voor dat boek en haar schrijven an sich haalde zij inspiratie bij Goldbergs bijbel: Schrijven vanuit je hart. Ik verslond Zin, daarna werd ik verliefd op Schrijven vanuit je hart. En nu liet ik me verleiden door de Inspiratiekaarten.

Waar het boek theorie en tips aanreikt zetten de kaarten je direct tot schrijven aan. Er zijn 60 kaarten; op de voorkant vind je een concrete opdracht, op de achterkant staat wat extra informatie, wat meer tips. Soms krijg je een aanzet tot, dan weer een te beantwoorden vraag. Je wordt gevraagd naar het haar van je moeder, wat je blij maakt, welk onrecht jij ziet… Soms staat er gewoon een zin uit een boek dat je moet inspireren,… alles kan.

Mij moet je al lang niet meer overtuigen van het nut van (elke dag) schrijven maar vaak heb ik geen inspiratie, blijf ik in meer van hetzelfde steken. Deze kaarten gaan me helpen breder en dieper te schrijven, mijn blik te verruimen én te versmallen. Zin in om ze allemaal te doen. En benieuwd waar ze me gaan brengen.

Ideaal voor beginnende journallers, geroutineerde schrijvers die wel wat opschudding kunnen gebruiken en mensen die het al lang opgegeven hebben wegens inspiratieloos. Schrijf! Maak jezelf blij. Het doosje ziet er tof uit, een extra pluspunt. Minder mensen aan de pillen, meer aan de kaarten zou ik zeggen ;) ( )
  Els04 | Apr 29, 2024 |
Natalie Goldberg’s guide for writers seeks to free authors to engage their own minds in writing. Using Zen Buddhism as a template, she describes the practice of writing as similar to meditation in that an author engages her/his own mind. She seeks to free writers from a persistent “inner critic” who chatters doubts, hangups, and insecurities. She labels this the “monkey mind” in contrast to a “creative mind.” As she does in writing seminars, she even proscribes a set duration of writing each day, much like one would engage in prayer or meditation.

Goldberg herself comes from a non-practicing Jewish background. She had no strong educational awards to fall back on but became inspired in the feminist movement to do something noteworthy. She eventually gained a Buddhist mentor whose influence is all over this book and her life. She even re-engaged with Judaic spiritual rhythms.

She speaks in very earthy tones with strong metaphors, which increases reader engagement with the book. This audiobook contains the original text of her book along with interviews about each chapter done over a decade later. Goldberg is sometimes surprised at her confidence and at other times, critiques her younger self. This added dynamic makes the audiobook even more interesting.

Obviously, this book is intended primarily for authors and writing professionals. However, anyone who wants a more transparent relationship with the writing process, whether in business emails or even with computer code (my trade), can benefit from Goldberg’s advice. She simply cautions writers to tone down their self-criticism and actually get down to the process of honest writing. Most readers will engage better with what the author finds most meaningful and relatable. Self-actualization is a key part of the process. This perspective can engage with better writing and better living in 2023 as well as it originally did in the 1980s. ( )
  scottjpearson | Sep 2, 2023 |
Als je behalve van lezen ook van schrijven houdt is dit een heel inspirerend boek, waarvan je zin krijgt om te schrijven. ( )
  laurenhynde | Aug 27, 2023 |
  cadamleo | Apr 17, 2023 |
Good reading, about writing. ( )
  mykl-s | Mar 2, 2023 |
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For all my students past, present, and future and for Kate Green and Barbara Schmitz.

May we all meet in heaven cafe writing for eternity.
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Some years ago, while cleaning out my grandmother's attic, I came across this motto encased in an old oak picture frame: Do Your Work As Well As You Can and Be Kind.

I was a goody-two-shoes all through school.
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This is why it is good to remember: if you want to get high, don’t drink whiskey; read Shakespeare, Tennyson, Keats, Neruda, Hopkins, Millay, Whitman, aloud and let your body sing.
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Experience a modern classic on writing as you've never heard it before. With nearly one million copies of Writing Down the Bones in print, Natalie Goldberg has helped change the way writing is practiced in homes, schools, and workshops across America. Through her heartfelt personal reflections and her ingenious Zen-based exercises, Goldberg makes writing available to you as a tool for personal expression, self-exploration, and healing. In this enhanced reading of her seminal work, Goldberg offers new commentary about the creative, spiritual, and practical dimensions of writing. Join her as she looks back on her life, sharing the story of how her meditation studies with Zen master Katagiri Roshi inspired her to develop practices for "writing down the bones": the essential, awakened speech of the mind. Here is a treasury of tested ideas, suggestions, and exercises that help new writers get started, and seasoned writers keep going. Includes an exclusive interview with the author available nowhere else.

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