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Caste and race in India

di G. S. Ghurye

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Caste is perhaps the most dominant aspect of Indian society and its study is incomplete without getting into the ramifications of the Hindu caste system. Caste and Race in India, since its first publication in the History of Civilization series, edited by C. K. Ogden in 1932, has remained a basic work for students of Indian sociology and anthropology. Over the years, this book has been highly acclaimed by teachers and reviewers alike, as a sociological classic. The present edition, an expanded version with five new chapters, elaborates on the evolution of sub-castes, and examines caste, sub-caste and kinship. It also presents a provocative and thorough analysis of the relationship between caste and politics by drawing examples from Tamil Nadu as experienced over the years. The concluding chapter is an incisive analysis of Indian society--the author apprehends that India will develop into a plural society and not a casteless one, which was the dream of the architects of her Constitution. Key Feature* Focuses principally on caste* Elaborates on the evolution of sub-castes, and examines caste, sub-caste and kinship.* A provocative and thorough analysis of the relationship between caste and politics by drawing examples from Tamil Nadu as experienced over the years* Caste--whatever it actually is at any given time--is always the momentary outcome of a structured constellation of historical processes.Note: Now this ISBN-9788171542055 has a new identity.… (altro)
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Caste is perhaps the most dominant aspect of Indian society and its study is incomplete without getting into the ramifications of the Hindu caste system. Caste and Race in India, since its first publication in the History of Civilization series, edited by C. K. Ogden in 1932, has remained a basic work for students of Indian sociology and anthropology. Over the years, this book has been highly acclaimed by teachers and reviewers alike, as a sociological classic. The present edition, an expanded version with five new chapters, elaborates on the evolution of sub-castes, and examines caste, sub-caste and kinship. It also presents a provocative and thorough analysis of the relationship between caste and politics by drawing examples from Tamil Nadu as experienced over the years. The concluding chapter is an incisive analysis of Indian society--the author apprehends that India will develop into a plural society and not a casteless one, which was the dream of the architects of her Constitution. Key Feature* Focuses principally on caste* Elaborates on the evolution of sub-castes, and examines caste, sub-caste and kinship.* A provocative and thorough analysis of the relationship between caste and politics by drawing examples from Tamil Nadu as experienced over the years* Caste--whatever it actually is at any given time--is always the momentary outcome of a structured constellation of historical processes.Note: Now this ISBN-9788171542055 has a new identity.

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