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Y The Last Man TP Vol 01 Unmanned: The Last…
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Y The Last Man TP Vol 01 Unmanned: The Last Man VOL 01: Unmanned (edizione 2011)

di Brian K. Vaughan (Autore), Pia Guerra (Artist)

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Titolo:Y The Last Man TP Vol 01 Unmanned: The Last Man VOL 01: Unmanned
Autori:Brian K. Vaughan (Autore)
Altri autori:Pia Guerra (Artist)
Info:DC Comics (2011), Edition: 01, 128 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

Informazioni sull'opera

Y The Last Man (1 - 22, 25 - 45, 48 - 60) di Brian K. Vaughan

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So much stuff going on! I guess I have to read the rest to figure it out all out... ( )
  BonBonVivant | Jan 18, 2023 |
I read this right after reading the first two volumes of Saga (on, yes, that same plane), so it's a little backwards, but it was right after I realized it was the same author. I'm a little interested in this series, but also a little off put by it's incredibly slow start (along with some directly same dialogue ussage in both Saga and Y).

We'll see, this is staying with me. A lot of people talked about how amazing this is, and it could just be a slow started to a truly amazing series so I'll keep on with it over the next year maybe. ( )
  wanderlustlover | Dec 26, 2022 |
So, reread this and didn't enjoy it as much as the first time. The women are generally awful, beginning with Yorick's mom being pro-life (I am not, if you need to know) and ending with the fact that his sister is becaming something, well, evil. I wanted badass but cool, smart and especially kind women. Anyway, we will see. ( )
  inkspellonyou | Aug 10, 2022 |
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