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Edward Bawden & His Circle

di Malcolm Yorke

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Edward Bawden's (1903-1989) artistic career spanned more than sixty years. During this time he was extraordinarily prolific and produced a considerable body of work, including book illustrations, advertising posters, murals (for ships, boardrooms, colleges and churches), fine paintings, tapestries, and wallpapers. Bawden was also responsible for the diverse artistic community which thrived in Great Bardfield on the 1950s. Malcolm Yorke's incisive biography of Bawden, written with the complete cooperation and support of Bawden's children and his artistic executor, follows Bawden's career in the context of the social and artistic friendships he cultivated, such as those with Douglas Percy Bliss and, in particular, Eric Ravilious. The book is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of material from Bawden's personal scrapbooks, allowing the reader an insight into Bawden's working methods and his final pieces. Copiously illustrated with material from every period of Bawden's working life, Edward Bawden and His Circle illustrates all aspects of his creative output, and that of his Great Bardfield contemporaries, in its great variety. SELLING POINTS: A beautifully designed, sumptuous biography of this key figure in twentieth-century British art and design Copiously illustrated with work from every period of Bawden's life including his war paintings, book illustrations, advertising posters, murals and ceramics Also includes the work of various artists from the Great Bardfield community, including Kenneth Rowntree, John Aldridge and Sheila Robinson AUTHOR: Dr Malcolm York spent most of his career in education, being the graduate of three inversities and a teacher in two. During all this time he always found time to paint, sculpt and write. in 1981 his first book, on Eric Gill, appeared and others followed on British Neo-Romantacism, Keith Vaughan, Matthew Smith, Mervyn Peake, Rigby Graham and Edward Ardizzone. He is married with wo grown up children and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. 200 colour and 52 b/w illustrations… (altro)
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Edward Bawden's (1903-1989) artistic career spanned more than sixty years. During this time he was extraordinarily prolific and produced a considerable body of work, including book illustrations, advertising posters, murals (for ships, boardrooms, colleges and churches), fine paintings, tapestries, and wallpapers. Bawden was also responsible for the diverse artistic community which thrived in Great Bardfield on the 1950s. Malcolm Yorke's incisive biography of Bawden, written with the complete cooperation and support of Bawden's children and his artistic executor, follows Bawden's career in the context of the social and artistic friendships he cultivated, such as those with Douglas Percy Bliss and, in particular, Eric Ravilious. The book is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of material from Bawden's personal scrapbooks, allowing the reader an insight into Bawden's working methods and his final pieces. Copiously illustrated with material from every period of Bawden's working life, Edward Bawden and His Circle illustrates all aspects of his creative output, and that of his Great Bardfield contemporaries, in its great variety. SELLING POINTS: A beautifully designed, sumptuous biography of this key figure in twentieth-century British art and design Copiously illustrated with work from every period of Bawden's life including his war paintings, book illustrations, advertising posters, murals and ceramics Also includes the work of various artists from the Great Bardfield community, including Kenneth Rowntree, John Aldridge and Sheila Robinson AUTHOR: Dr Malcolm York spent most of his career in education, being the graduate of three inversities and a teacher in two. During all this time he always found time to paint, sculpt and write. in 1981 his first book, on Eric Gill, appeared and others followed on British Neo-Romantacism, Keith Vaughan, Matthew Smith, Mervyn Peake, Rigby Graham and Edward Ardizzone. He is married with wo grown up children and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. 200 colour and 52 b/w illustrations

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