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Case Closed, Vol. 1 di Gosho Aoyama
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Case Closed, Vol. 1 (edizione 2004)

di Gosho Aoyama (Autore), Gosho Aoyama (Illustratore)

Serie: Detective Conan (1)

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4981251,114 (4.06)8
Summary in Japanese: ??????????????????????????????????????????
Titolo:Case Closed, Vol. 1
Autori:Gosho Aoyama (Autore)
Altri autori:Gosho Aoyama (Illustratore)
Info:VIZ Media LLC (2004), Edition: 1st, 192 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

Informazioni sull'opera

Case Closed, Vol. 01: The Sherlock Holmes of Modern Times di Gosho Aoyama

  1. 00
    Uno studio in rosso di Arthur Conan Doyle (MarcusBrutus)
    MarcusBrutus: Conan is a major Holmes fan, and he uses some of the same methods of deduction.
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For as long as I can remember, I've always been fascinated by mysteries and who-done-it murders, even though I'm usually wrong about who was responsible! It's fun to work with the detective, piecing everything together to find who the bad guy is. When you get it right, you feel proud of yourself, but even when you get it wrong, you just resign to do better next time.

I honestly don't remember when I first stumbled across the anime, Case Closed, but I fell in love from the very first episode*. I can't quite articulate how amazing the series is to me. Each case explores a different element and not one of them is the same - the motives may be the same, but each case is as different from one another as a pineapple and a turtle! The atmosphere around this series, both in the anime and the manga, pulls you into the mysteries and the stories of the characters. But it's not all serious drama, there's a nice slap of comedy mixed in, as well, keeping it from getting too dark.

I've always been the kind of person to empathize with characters, both fiction and fictional. I often cry when they do, laugh when they do. When I'm listening to their stories, they feel real to me. This is especially apparent in the Case Closed series. I feel frustrated because I can't properly articulate how this series makes me feel and how amazing I find it to be.

Case Closed greatly draws inspiration from Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes and mentions it several times. Actually, I was never much interested in Sherlock Holmes until I watched Case Closed! Some may not want to invest their time in this series simply because it's so long! But I promise you, every single episode is worth watching and every single book is worth reading. Even if you're not into anime/manga, if you're a fan of mysteries and detectives, you should definitely give this a chance!

You can't have a complete collection of detective stories without Case Closed on your shelves. I love this series so much! ( )
  AnnoyingTiger888 | Feb 19, 2024 |
Story: 7 / 10
Characters: 7
Setting: 8
Art: 7 ( )
  MXMLLN | Jan 12, 2024 |
Great! Love detectives, love mysteries, and herein lies a meta mystery alongside individuals. Yay! ( )
  morbusiff | Sep 20, 2018 |
I love this series! ( )
  Hellen0 | Jun 22, 2016 |
High school detective Jimmy Kudo is really good at solving crimes. His best friend, Rachel Moore, is worried that one day he'll get in too deep, but he casually brushes off her concern. After noticing two suspicious men in black clothes at a festival murder scene, Jimmy sights one of them later and decides to follow him, only to be attacked from behind. The attacker, a crime syndicate lord, force-feeds Jimmy a newly-developed, undetectable poison instead of killing him outright. But instead of the poison killing him, it turns his body into that of a grade schooler. To prevent a followup attack on him or his family and friends, Jimmy adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, one that he must use even in front of Rachel. He quickly finds that no one will listen to a child, and is forced to solve crimes through Rachel's incompetent P.I. father, Richard Moore, with help from Dr. Hiroshi Agasa's voice-modulating tie and his own ingenuity. Along the way, Rachel reveals her true feelings to him, and he vows to do whatever is necessary to get his original body back and return her feelings. ( )
1 vota mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
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Summary in Japanese: ??????????????????????????????????????????

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