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Where People Like Us Live di Patricia Cumbie
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Where People Like Us Live (edizione 2008)

di Patricia Cumbie

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403641,373 (3.88)1
I want to shake Rita. She thinks all the screwed-up things in the world are happening somewhere else. But bad things are happening right here. It's a routine Libby's used to by now: pack up, move, start over, repeat. This time it's to Rubberville--population: faces, names, a few factories, and Angie, a girl who nearly-but-not-quite gets Libby killed the first day they meet. Angie is everything Libby wishes she were: outspoken, fearless, and happy to risk it all to have a little fun. But one day Libby learns that behind Angie's attitude is a frightening secret. Libby faces an impossible choice: Does she protect her friendship or her friend?… (altro)
Titolo:Where People Like Us Live
Autori:Patricia Cumbie
Info:HarperTeen (2008), Library Binding, 224 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Abuse--Fiction, Friendship--Fiction

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Where People Like Us Live di Patricia Cumbie

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This book has a creepy (as in uncomfortable, not scarey) factor that will be appealing to teenage girl readers. Like Libby, everyone wants to have a good friend--what price do you pay to keep a friend? ( )
  MrsHillReads | Feb 8, 2010 |
Reviewed by Marta Morrison for

What would you do if you saw something that you shouldn't have?

If you tell, then you might lose your best friend, but if you don't tell, then your best friend could be in deep trouble.

This is the problem facing Libby. Her family has moved to Rubberville, a bleak factory town in Wisconsin. This is normal for Libby, since her family moves all the time. Libby is hoping that her father will find what he is looking for and will stay and put down roots.

The first week in Rubberville, Libby meets Angie. They become fast friends, except for the big secret that Angie is hiding.

I think that this book was very well-written and it made me think about the time my daughter had to tell about some scary things that her best friend was doing to herself. She had a hard time deciding what to do, but in the end did the right thing and helped her friend. Her friend was mad at the time, but within a couple of weeks they were best friends again.

Friendship requires responsibility and sometimes it can be very hard and complicated. I would especially recommend this book to book clubs, because after it is read I believe it should be discussed. ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 13, 2009 |
Libby has moved again. This time to Rubberville; population: boring. When Angie shows up on Libby's doorstep, she knows things will get better. Angie is everything Libby isn't; outgoing, mature and adventurous. Libby values their friendship so when she learns of a secret that Angie is keeping she realizes she needs to make a choice; protect their friendship and stay loyal to Angie or sacrifice their friendship and protect her friend. Read Patricia Cumbie's new novel and find out about Where People Like Us Live. ( )
  rmv68 | Nov 25, 2008 |
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I want to shake Rita. She thinks all the screwed-up things in the world are happening somewhere else. But bad things are happening right here. It's a routine Libby's used to by now: pack up, move, start over, repeat. This time it's to Rubberville--population: faces, names, a few factories, and Angie, a girl who nearly-but-not-quite gets Libby killed the first day they meet. Angie is everything Libby wishes she were: outspoken, fearless, and happy to risk it all to have a little fun. But one day Libby learns that behind Angie's attitude is a frightening secret. Libby faces an impossible choice: Does she protect her friendship or her friend?

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