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Descendants of Darkness: Volume 1 di Yoko…
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Descendants of Darkness: Volume 1 (edizione 2008)

di Yoko Matsushita (Autore)

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455458,276 (3.66)8
The business of Death is never done. Asato Tsuzuki works as a Shinigami, or 'Guardian of Death', in the Ministry of Hades. It's his duty to make sure that the souls of the dead reach the afterlife, but contrary ghosts and humanity's evils keep getting in the way of a job well done. With all these problem assignments, will he ever get a bonus...or will he be stuck paying back damages for all eternity? As a Guardian of Death, Asato Tsuzuki has a lot to think about. First of all, there are all those dead people. Someone's got to escort them safely to the afterlife. Then there's all that bureaucracy. The affairs of death come with a lot of paperwork, budgetary concerns and endless arcana. Descendants of Darknessproves one thing: Death is big business...and business is good!… (altro)
Titolo:Descendants of Darkness: Volume 1
Autori:Yoko Matsushita (Autore)
Info:VIZ Media LLC (2008), Edition: Shojo ed., 200 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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Descendants of Darkness, Volume 1 di Yoko Matsushita

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Hilarious and adorable. "Shingami" as portrayed by a horrible 90s cop show with yaoi and a bird-shaped tech services librarian as backup. Also, one of the funniest, rudest translations ever? Golden. ( )
  senbei | Jul 27, 2014 |
It has drama and funny parts. The characters are well drawn, and it has so much adventure.
5Q, 5P; Cover Art: Awesome!
This book is best suited for highschoolers and adults.
It was selected due to a friend's recommendation.
Grade (of reviewer): 11th
  edspicer | Nov 4, 2010 |
Cute, cool, pretty art! Story line is a mess. ( )
  mvrdrk | Jun 24, 2010 |
This is another manga series I've decided to start after watching part of the anime, so comparisons are inevitable. In this story we are introduced to shinigami, Tsuzuki who is one of those seemingly lackadaisical yet actually totally responsible and deeply dark, law enforcement types that I totally love. In this series the Shinigami are enforcers of death, leading spirits who have not moved on to where they need to go. In this volume he starts off with one young partner who sacrificed himself to save his cousin and then broke all the rules by not allowing her to appease her guilt by committing suicide. The next segment starts off at the same point as the anime where Tsuzuki is paired up with yet another young partner in Hisoka, who seems very upwardly mobile and has secrets of his own. Together they go after a seeming vampire and uncover someone much more sinister.

I have to say that at this point I enjoyed the anime version a bit more. I think that the anime did a better job of showing us the emotional depth of the characters along with being both more dramatic and clear of plot. I also might be more partial to the anime because it seems slightly slashier in content (I know, I'm soooo bad!) On the other hand, the manga does give us a better understanding of exactly what the shinigami are and what it is that they do. Perhaps both reading and watching is the best way to approach the series to get a fuller understanding of what's going on.

I'm looking forward to further exploring both the manga and the anime although I am kind of concerned as I'm not entirely sure if either version of the series has a finite ending. I truly hope one or the other does. ( )
2 vota Jenson_AKA_DL | Nov 1, 2009 |
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The business of Death is never done. Asato Tsuzuki works as a Shinigami, or 'Guardian of Death', in the Ministry of Hades. It's his duty to make sure that the souls of the dead reach the afterlife, but contrary ghosts and humanity's evils keep getting in the way of a job well done. With all these problem assignments, will he ever get a bonus...or will he be stuck paying back damages for all eternity? As a Guardian of Death, Asato Tsuzuki has a lot to think about. First of all, there are all those dead people. Someone's got to escort them safely to the afterlife. Then there's all that bureaucracy. The affairs of death come with a lot of paperwork, budgetary concerns and endless arcana. Descendants of Darknessproves one thing: Death is big business...and business is good!

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