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Ring (Ring Series, Book 1) di Koji Suzuki
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Ring (Ring Series, Book 1) (originale 1991; edizione 2004)

di Koji Suzuki (Autore), Glynne Walley (Traduttore)

Serie: Ring (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,7395410,375 (3.65)79
Stunning Japanese thriller with a chilling supernatural twist. The novel that inspired the cult Japanese movie and the Hollywood blockbuster of the same name. Asakawa is a hardworking journalist who has climbed his way up from local-news beat reporter to writer for his newspaper's weekly magazine. A chronic workaholic, he doesn't take much notice when his seventeen-year-old niece dies suddenly - until a chance conversation reveals that another healthy teenager died at exactly the same time, in chillingly similar circumstances. Sensing a story, Asakawa begins to investigate, and soon discovers that this strange simultaneous sudden-death syndrome also affected another two teenagers. Exactly one week before their mysterious deaths the four teenagers all spent the night at a leisure resort in the same log cabin. When Asakawa visits the resort, the mystery only deepens. A comment made in the guest book by one of the teenagers leads him to a particular vidoetape with a portentous message at the end: Those who have viewed these images are fated to die at this exact hour one week from now. Asakawa finds himself in a race against time - he has only seven days to find the cause of the teenagers' deaths before it finds him. The hunt puts him on the trail of an apocalytpic power that will force Asakawa to choose between saving his family and saving civilization.… (altro)
Titolo:Ring (Ring Series, Book 1)
Autori:Koji Suzuki (Autore)
Altri autori:Glynne Walley (Traduttore)
Info:Vertical (2004), 282 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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Ring di Koji Suzuki (1991)

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» Vedi le 79 citazioni

Inglese (49)  Danese (2)  Francese (1)  Tedesco (1)  Tutte le lingue (53)
1-5 di 53 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Honestly liked this a LOT more than I expected. Some of it was kinda weird, and not necessarily needed imo, but it didn’t really make it any less enjoyable for me. -1 star just because it dragged on in some spots ( )
  strunz94 | Mar 29, 2024 |
First off thank you for existing and creating such an amazing franchise with this book. The Ring movie series is seriously good in my opinion. It's influenced some great(and not so great) works as well.

That done, let's get into the details.

People are randomly collapsing from heart attacks and it's confusing the police. They're getting professionals to look into it and hopefully find a pattern. No this isn't Death Note. Sure sounds like it, right? It's totally the inspiration for the manga and I can't be convinced that it isn't. Too many details overlap in Koji's work to sway me otherwise. Within five chapters it reads similar and has the veins of Death Note within it.

I'm not a big Death Note fan but I can tell when something obviously influenced the other thing it's kind of like how Bastard! Heavy Metal is what created Inuyasha. Darsh even had white hair in the 80s way before Inuyasha, and the characters look like stolen copies of each other with only the years of release separating them. But the original usually(not always) is better. And, much like with Bastard!, in a situation like this I can say that Death Note can't compare to Ring. There's a real suspense and dread that brews and a chess game that is between detectives and the mystery killer.

I really like this fast introduction to the Ringverse and its lore. ( )
  Yolken | Jan 11, 2024 |
Enjoyably Good ( )
  saltyessentials | Dec 23, 2023 |
This was barely a three star from me. The biggest problem is it wasn’t scary, even a little bit. The second biggest problem was I didn’t like either the main characters. I was warned in advance about it. A friend told me the books got progressively better. I will give one more chance. Here’s hoping he’s right. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Boring (I didn't find it interesting until the last 30 pages) and it wasn't scary. Although I didn't find the American version of The Ring scary either, so I'll have to watch the Japanese version. ( )
  Summer345456 | Jan 25, 2023 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (19 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Koji Suzukiautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Rohmer, Robert B.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Walley, GlynneTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Stunning Japanese thriller with a chilling supernatural twist. The novel that inspired the cult Japanese movie and the Hollywood blockbuster of the same name. Asakawa is a hardworking journalist who has climbed his way up from local-news beat reporter to writer for his newspaper's weekly magazine. A chronic workaholic, he doesn't take much notice when his seventeen-year-old niece dies suddenly - until a chance conversation reveals that another healthy teenager died at exactly the same time, in chillingly similar circumstances. Sensing a story, Asakawa begins to investigate, and soon discovers that this strange simultaneous sudden-death syndrome also affected another two teenagers. Exactly one week before their mysterious deaths the four teenagers all spent the night at a leisure resort in the same log cabin. When Asakawa visits the resort, the mystery only deepens. A comment made in the guest book by one of the teenagers leads him to a particular vidoetape with a portentous message at the end: Those who have viewed these images are fated to die at this exact hour one week from now. Asakawa finds himself in a race against time - he has only seven days to find the cause of the teenagers' deaths before it finds him. The hunt puts him on the trail of an apocalytpic power that will force Asakawa to choose between saving his family and saving civilization.

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Media: (3.65)
0.5 3
1 10
1.5 2
2 24
2.5 10
3 126
3.5 29
4 146
4.5 8
5 88

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