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Dragonfield and other stories di Jane YOLEN
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Dragonfield and other stories (edizione 1988)

di Jane YOLEN

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1631169,200 (3.83)1
Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:

Award-winning author Jane Yolen transports readers to new realms of dragons, sprites, and rogues in twenty-seven magical stories and poemsThat's what dragons are for, after all, to call forth heroes. Jane Yolen enchants and enthralls with an exquisite collection of short fiction and poetry brimming with sympathetic monsters, unlikely heroes, and all manner of magical amazements. Exploring the depths of human love, pain, and folly in these unforgettable tales, Yolen gives life to a cast of unforgettable characters: a selfless young woman whose sadness brings forth beautiful gifts, a deluded musician whose song spectacularly fails to soothe a savage beast, and an alien salvage crew mining gems from the mind of a dying poet. Here be dragons, outlaws, kings, mermen, and dream weavers, sprung from the unparalleled imagination of one of the world's foremost fantasists. This ebook features a personal history by Jane Yolen including rare images from the author's personal collection, as well as a note from the author about the making of the book.

.… (altro)
Titolo:Dragonfield and other stories
Autori:Jane YOLEN
Info:ORBIT BOOKS Science - Fiction Paperback
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura

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Dragonfield and Other Stories di Jane Yolen

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This book is a collection of 27 short stories and poems by a suberb fantasy writer. Jane Yolen transports the reader to a world filled with Faeries, dragons and magical wonders. She is a terifically talented storyteller and I can’t wait to read more by her. ( )
  kehs | Apr 21, 2008 |
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Jane Yolenautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Courtney, RichardImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
McKillip, Patricia A.Introduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:

Award-winning author Jane Yolen transports readers to new realms of dragons, sprites, and rogues in twenty-seven magical stories and poemsThat's what dragons are for, after all, to call forth heroes. Jane Yolen enchants and enthralls with an exquisite collection of short fiction and poetry brimming with sympathetic monsters, unlikely heroes, and all manner of magical amazements. Exploring the depths of human love, pain, and folly in these unforgettable tales, Yolen gives life to a cast of unforgettable characters: a selfless young woman whose sadness brings forth beautiful gifts, a deluded musician whose song spectacularly fails to soothe a savage beast, and an alien salvage crew mining gems from the mind of a dying poet. Here be dragons, outlaws, kings, mermen, and dream weavers, sprung from the unparalleled imagination of one of the world's foremost fantasists. This ebook features a personal history by Jane Yolen including rare images from the author's personal collection, as well as a note from the author about the making of the book.


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