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Professional SharePoint 2007 Development

di John Holliday

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34Nessuno735,360 (3)Nessuno
If you're a .NET or Microsoft Office developer, this book will give you the tools and the techniques you need to build great solutions for the SharePoint platform. It offers practical insights that will help you take advantage of this powerful new integrated suite of server-based collaboration software tools along with specific examples that show you how to implement your own custom solutions. You'll then be able to apply this information to create collaborative web-based applications that enhance user productivity and deliver rich user experiences. You'll start by building a strong foundation based on a thorough understanding of the technologies that come with the SharePoint platform, while also drilling into specific implementation areas. Next, you'll dive into seven key SharePoint development areas: the base collaboration platform, portal and composite application frameworks, enterprise search, ECM, business process automation and workflow, electronic forms, and business intelligence. This book is for ASP.NET developers who want to add collaboration support to their existing applications, Windows/Office client developers who want to move their solutions from the desktop to the web, and experienced SharePoint version 2.0 developers who want to take advantage of the new capabilities available in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. You will learn all about Windows SharePoint Services and MOSS 2007, including the following: Ways to enhance collaboration using calendars, tasks, issues, and email alerts Techniques for developing applications with integrated RSS, blogs and Wikis How to build, configure, and manage portal solutions Strategies for using enterprise search, XML, and XSLT Methods for improving enterprise content management and business intelligence Ways to take advantage of built-in support for regulatory compliance and web publishing How to create custom workflows and integrate them into your solutions This book is also available as part of the 4-book SharePoint 2007 Wrox Box (ISBN: 0470431946) with these 4 books: Professional SharePoint 2007 Development (ISBN: 0470117567) Real World SharePoint 2007 (ISBN: 0470168358) Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Design (ISBN: 047028580X) Professional SharePoint 2007 Web Content Management Development (ISBN: 0470224754)… (altro)
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If you're a .NET or Microsoft Office developer, this book will give you the tools and the techniques you need to build great solutions for the SharePoint platform. It offers practical insights that will help you take advantage of this powerful new integrated suite of server-based collaboration software tools along with specific examples that show you how to implement your own custom solutions. You'll then be able to apply this information to create collaborative web-based applications that enhance user productivity and deliver rich user experiences. You'll start by building a strong foundation based on a thorough understanding of the technologies that come with the SharePoint platform, while also drilling into specific implementation areas. Next, you'll dive into seven key SharePoint development areas: the base collaboration platform, portal and composite application frameworks, enterprise search, ECM, business process automation and workflow, electronic forms, and business intelligence. This book is for ASP.NET developers who want to add collaboration support to their existing applications, Windows/Office client developers who want to move their solutions from the desktop to the web, and experienced SharePoint version 2.0 developers who want to take advantage of the new capabilities available in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. You will learn all about Windows SharePoint Services and MOSS 2007, including the following: Ways to enhance collaboration using calendars, tasks, issues, and email alerts Techniques for developing applications with integrated RSS, blogs and Wikis How to build, configure, and manage portal solutions Strategies for using enterprise search, XML, and XSLT Methods for improving enterprise content management and business intelligence Ways to take advantage of built-in support for regulatory compliance and web publishing How to create custom workflows and integrate them into your solutions This book is also available as part of the 4-book SharePoint 2007 Wrox Box (ISBN: 0470431946) with these 4 books: Professional SharePoint 2007 Development (ISBN: 0470117567) Real World SharePoint 2007 (ISBN: 0470168358) Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Design (ISBN: 047028580X) Professional SharePoint 2007 Web Content Management Development (ISBN: 0470224754)

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