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Clinical Manual of Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill

di James L. Levenson MD

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With examinations of 19 new psychiatric drugs, 19 new forms of previously available drugs, and a host of new medical agents, this third edition of the Clinical Manual of Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill has been updated to include medical and psychiatric drugs that have become available since the publication of the second edition in 2017, as well as recent relevant randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Boasting all the rigor that characterized the preceding editions, every chapter in this new volume has been reviewed and revised by experts--including 11 new authors. For 15 categories of medical disorders and specialty areas that include cardiovascular disorders, oncology, obstetrics and gynecology, and substance use disorders, the book examines * Key differential diagnostic considerations * The evidence for the efficacy of psychiatric drugs in each disorder * Disease-specific side effects of psychiatric drugs * Neuropsychiatric side effects of drugs for each medical disorder * Disease-specific alterations in pharmacokinetics * Drug-drug interactions Patients with medical and psychiatric comorbidity have more functional impairment, disability days, emergency department use, and rehospitalization, as well as higher medical care costs. By examining the intersection of psychiatric and medical illness, and offering easily referenced key points for each chapter, this new edition prepares both mental health practitioners and primary care physicians and internists to more safely and effectively work with patients who have psychiatric and medical illness.… (altro)
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With examinations of 19 new psychiatric drugs, 19 new forms of previously available drugs, and a host of new medical agents, this third edition of the Clinical Manual of Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill has been updated to include medical and psychiatric drugs that have become available since the publication of the second edition in 2017, as well as recent relevant randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Boasting all the rigor that characterized the preceding editions, every chapter in this new volume has been reviewed and revised by experts--including 11 new authors. For 15 categories of medical disorders and specialty areas that include cardiovascular disorders, oncology, obstetrics and gynecology, and substance use disorders, the book examines * Key differential diagnostic considerations * The evidence for the efficacy of psychiatric drugs in each disorder * Disease-specific side effects of psychiatric drugs * Neuropsychiatric side effects of drugs for each medical disorder * Disease-specific alterations in pharmacokinetics * Drug-drug interactions Patients with medical and psychiatric comorbidity have more functional impairment, disability days, emergency department use, and rehospitalization, as well as higher medical care costs. By examining the intersection of psychiatric and medical illness, and offering easily referenced key points for each chapter, this new edition prepares both mental health practitioners and primary care physicians and internists to more safely and effectively work with patients who have psychiatric and medical illness.

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