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The Gospel Project for Students: The God Who Sends

di LifeWay Students

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Who are we? What is the church? In the New Testament, we see that we are not simply individuals, but we are the body of Christ, God's temple, united in truth and given the mission of making disciples. In The God Who Sends, students will learn that as the church of Jesus, we are a people on a mission. We are a people who serve others, enjoy fellowship with one another, and seek to obey the commands of our Savior as we go into all the world and make disciples. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was sent by the Father on His mission to seek and save the lost; the Son now sends us in the power of the Spirit to proclaim Jesus that the lost may be found.Features: 14 chapters3 devotionals per chapterGroup discussion questionsAuthors: Geoff Ashley is the Groups Pastor for The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas. He received a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2009 and has been on staff at The Village since 2006, overseeing development of theological resources. He is married to Kaci.Walter Strickland serves as Special Advisor to the President for Diversity and Instructor of Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is pursuing a PhD from the University of Aberdeen. He is married to Stephanie and has two daughters, Hope and Kendra.Jason C Dukes is married to Jen, and they have six children. He helped start Westpoint Church and and now pastors First Baptist Church, Booneville, Mississippi. He's the author ofLive Sent and Beyond My Church, and he periodically blogs at Reid is Professor of Evangelism and Student Ministry at Southeastern Seminary. He also leads the Young Professionals Ministry at Richland Creek Community Church. He earned his MDiv and PhD at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Michelle, have two married children.Philip Nation is the Teaching Pastor for The Fellowship, a multi-site church in Nashville, Tennessee, and the Director of Adult Ministry Publishing for Lifeway Christian Resources. He received a DMin from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.… (altro)
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Who are we? What is the church? In the New Testament, we see that we are not simply individuals, but we are the body of Christ, God's temple, united in truth and given the mission of making disciples. In The God Who Sends, students will learn that as the church of Jesus, we are a people on a mission. We are a people who serve others, enjoy fellowship with one another, and seek to obey the commands of our Savior as we go into all the world and make disciples. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was sent by the Father on His mission to seek and save the lost; the Son now sends us in the power of the Spirit to proclaim Jesus that the lost may be found.Features: 14 chapters3 devotionals per chapterGroup discussion questionsAuthors: Geoff Ashley is the Groups Pastor for The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas. He received a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2009 and has been on staff at The Village since 2006, overseeing development of theological resources. He is married to Kaci.Walter Strickland serves as Special Advisor to the President for Diversity and Instructor of Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is pursuing a PhD from the University of Aberdeen. He is married to Stephanie and has two daughters, Hope and Kendra.Jason C Dukes is married to Jen, and they have six children. He helped start Westpoint Church and and now pastors First Baptist Church, Booneville, Mississippi. He's the author ofLive Sent and Beyond My Church, and he periodically blogs at Reid is Professor of Evangelism and Student Ministry at Southeastern Seminary. He also leads the Young Professionals Ministry at Richland Creek Community Church. He earned his MDiv and PhD at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Michelle, have two married children.Philip Nation is the Teaching Pastor for The Fellowship, a multi-site church in Nashville, Tennessee, and the Director of Adult Ministry Publishing for Lifeway Christian Resources. He received a DMin from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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