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The field of contact lenses continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with new optical designs and vision correction options continually being developed. Additionally, the rapid expansion of clinical instrumentation offers eye care practitioners a wide choice of investigative techniques for assessing in-eye contact lens performance and diagnosing adverse reactions. Now in its fourth edition, Contact Lens Practice has been thoroughly updated and revised to capture these developments and more, and translate them into an organised and easily digestible resource. Written and edited by award-winning author, researcher, and lecturer, Professor Nathan Efron, this title provides a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of the scientific foundations and clinical applications of contact lens fitting. The text has been refreshed by the inclusion of five new authors - a mixture of scientists and clinicians, all of whom are at the cutting edge of their specialty. Serves as an essential companion and guide to current thinking and practice in the content lens field, ideal for use by optometrists, ophthalmologists, orthoptists, opticians, students, and contact lens industry professionals. Presents subject matter in a clear and logical format to allow the reader to quickly identify and comprehend key information. Features highly illustrated chapters in full colour, helping the reader to visualize core concepts. Includes completely rewritten chapters, by new authors, on scleral and corneo-scleral contact lenses, high ametropia, therapeutic applications, post-surgical lens fitting, and practice management. A new chapter on Post-Surgery Management consolidates core information on post-operative management involving contact lenses. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dajpshealth, ehls, ToniCatt, SAGE_Medical_Library
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The field of contact lenses continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with new optical designs and vision correction options continually being developed. Additionally, the rapid expansion of clinical instrumentation offers eye care practitioners a wide choice of investigative techniques for assessing in-eye contact lens performance and diagnosing adverse reactions. Now in its fourth edition, Contact Lens Practice has been thoroughly updated and revised to capture these developments and more, and translate them into an organised and easily digestible resource. Written and edited by award-winning author, researcher, and lecturer, Professor Nathan Efron, this title provides a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of the scientific foundations and clinical applications of contact lens fitting. The text has been refreshed by the inclusion of five new authors - a mixture of scientists and clinicians, all of whom are at the cutting edge of their specialty. Serves as an essential companion and guide to current thinking and practice in the content lens field, ideal for use by optometrists, ophthalmologists, orthoptists, opticians, students, and contact lens industry professionals. Presents subject matter in a clear and logical format to allow the reader to quickly identify and comprehend key information. Features highly illustrated chapters in full colour, helping the reader to visualize core concepts. Includes completely rewritten chapters, by new authors, on scleral and corneo-scleral contact lenses, high ametropia, therapeutic applications, post-surgical lens fitting, and practice management. A new chapter on Post-Surgery Management consolidates core information on post-operative management involving contact lenses. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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