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Holly di Stephen King
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Holly (edizione 2023)

di Stephen King (Autore)

Serie: Holly Gibney (5)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,7716110,180 (3.91)41
In this new novel, Holly once again claims the spotlight, and must face some of her most depraved adversaries yet. When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her own mother has just died, and Holly is supposed to be taking time off. But something in Penny Dahl's desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down. Mere blocks from where Bonnie Dahl disappeared live Professors Rodney and Emily Harris. They are the picture of bourgeois respectability: married octogenarians, devoted to each other, semi-retired lifelong academics. But they are harboring an unholy secret in their well-kept, book-lined home, one that may be related to Bonnie's disappearance. And it will prove nearly impossible to discover what they are up to: they are smart, they are patient, and they are ruthless. Holly must summon all her formidable talents to outhink and outmaneuver this brilliant and twisted pair in this chilling new masterwork from Stephen King.… (altro)
Autori:Stephen King (Autore)
Info:Scribner (2023), 464 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Holly di Stephen King

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» Vedi le 41 citazioni

Holly is almost unrecognizable from when we were first introduced to her, although she has maintained her quirks. She has had such profound character development and I have enjoyed her journey ( )
  Crystal199 | Sep 16, 2024 |
Stephen King rewrites The Silence of the Lambs to star his favorite private investigator, Holly Gibney.

The point of view switches between Gibney, who is pursuing a missing persons case that starts to expand in scope, the victims, and the perpetrators, who keep the abductees in their basement as they prepare them for some disgusting experimentation. King wants to make sure we hate the villains so he's made them racist, homophobic and sexist. Of course that means having to read a lot of racist, homophobic and sexist shit throughout the book. Ugh. And he doubles down on "bury your gays" for no good reason. Double ugh.

The middle drags on too long as we go through several victims and King goes out of his way to explain what all the side characters are doing instead of helping Gibney on the case. If they were paying attention, the book would be half the length.

But momentum builds again as the connections start to come together in Holly's head and the plot races to its bloody conclusion.

It's far from a great book, but it delivers on the serial killer gore and suspense I was expecting, so it gets a weak thumbs up with the reservations noted above. ( )
  villemezbrown | Sep 14, 2024 |
I think King truly shines when he is writing detective style novels, and it is reflected in this one. As always he has great characters and the plot is well thought out and well developed. The book, like many of his is a bit long and there are places that maybe could have been cut, but even so it is a great read and he draws you into the story and builds empathy with the characters Holly Gibney is a great character despire her somewhat dysfunctional past and her lack of self-confidence. Well done. ( )
  Al-G | Sep 8, 2024 |
This was my first experience reading Stephen King, though I’ve seen some of his movies. The book gave me chills with its numerous twists and unsettling moments. The initial 200 pages are a bit slow, but the pace picks up significantly towards the end. I really enjoy his writing style. ( )
  Beckles | Sep 5, 2024 |
This is the latest entry in the Mr. Mercedes crime series. I loved the first book, but after that the series began to drift into the supernatural and horror elements King is usually associated with and which I don't like, I decided I was not going to read on with the series. However, when this installment was published, several LTers who read it clarified that it incorporated nothing supernatural and was a pure crime/mystery novel. So, I decided to read it, and I'm glad I did, although whether it veers into horror may depend on your view of cannibalism. And though it is part of a series, it can very definitely be read as a stand-alone.

This is a decent mystery novel featuring a serial killer on the loose. Holly Gibney, who we were introduced to in Mr. Mercedes, is now running her own small P.I. firm. When the book opens, Holly's mother has just died from covid, and Holly is not sure she will be taking on any cases for a while. However, when she is approached by Penny Dale whose daughter has gone missing on the way home from work, she finds herself unable to turn down Penny's pleas for help. As Holly begins to investigate she discovers there have been other mysterious disappearances that remain unsolved. These disappearances occurred over widely separated time periods, so they had not previously been thought to be connected.Holly sees similarities in the circumstances of these disappearances, and her investigation takes off in search of what she fears is a serial killer.

About this book, Stephen King said, "I could never let Holly Gibney go. She was supposed to be a walk-on character in Mr. Mercedes and she just kind of stole the book and stole my heart." Holly is indeed an engaging character, and I'm glad King chose to place her in a "starring" role in this book. And of course King's great story-telling skills, pacing, characterizations, etc. shine through.
Recommended. ( )
  arubabookwoman | Sep 1, 2024 |
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C'est une vieille ville qui n'est plus au mieux de sa forme, à l'image du lac au bord duquel elle a été construite, mais il reste quelques quartiers bien conservés.
October 17, 2012
It's an old city, and no longer in very good shape, nor is the lake beside which it has been built, but there are parts of it that are still pretty nice. Longtime residents would probably agree that the nicest section in Sugar Heights, and the nicest street running through it is Ridge Road, which makes a gentle downhill curve from Bell College of Arts and Sciences to Deerfield Park, two miles below. On its way, Ridge Road passes many fine houses, some of which belong to college faculty and some to the city's more successful businesspeople - doctors, lawyers, bankers, and top-of-the-pyramid business executives. Most of these homes are Victorians, with impeccable paintjobs, bow windows, and lots of gingerbread trim. -Chapter 1
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In this new novel, Holly once again claims the spotlight, and must face some of her most depraved adversaries yet. When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her own mother has just died, and Holly is supposed to be taking time off. But something in Penny Dahl's desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down. Mere blocks from where Bonnie Dahl disappeared live Professors Rodney and Emily Harris. They are the picture of bourgeois respectability: married octogenarians, devoted to each other, semi-retired lifelong academics. But they are harboring an unholy secret in their well-kept, book-lined home, one that may be related to Bonnie's disappearance. And it will prove nearly impossible to discover what they are up to: they are smart, they are patient, and they are ruthless. Holly must summon all her formidable talents to outhink and outmaneuver this brilliant and twisted pair in this chilling new masterwork from Stephen King.

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