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Cook's Dessert Cookbook: An Angie Amalfi Mysteries Cookbook

di Joanne Pence

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Cozy mystery book lovers have been treated to a steady diet of scrumptious Angie Amalfi culinary mysteries since the mid-1990's. The books are a banquet of mostly Italian entrees and desserts, as befitting Angie Amalfi's heritage. In this cookbook, you'll find fifty fabulous dessert recipes, including an easy tiramisu, a simple cannoli, lots of biscotti, as well as a number of non-Italian but still mouth-watering recipes such as almond praline meringue cake, linzer torte, and even some French macarons. The recipes and the whimsical watercolors that go along with them are derived from family favorites of the cookbook's author (the award-winning USA Today bestselling author of the Angie Amalfi mysteries) and its illustrator (an award-winning watercolor artist), who happen to be sisters. They hope this unique and easy-to-use cookbook will become a permanent part of any cookbook collection.… (altro)
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Cozy mystery book lovers have been treated to a steady diet of scrumptious Angie Amalfi culinary mysteries since the mid-1990's. The books are a banquet of mostly Italian entrees and desserts, as befitting Angie Amalfi's heritage. In this cookbook, you'll find fifty fabulous dessert recipes, including an easy tiramisu, a simple cannoli, lots of biscotti, as well as a number of non-Italian but still mouth-watering recipes such as almond praline meringue cake, linzer torte, and even some French macarons. The recipes and the whimsical watercolors that go along with them are derived from family favorites of the cookbook's author (the award-winning USA Today bestselling author of the Angie Amalfi mysteries) and its illustrator (an award-winning watercolor artist), who happen to be sisters. They hope this unique and easy-to-use cookbook will become a permanent part of any cookbook collection.

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Joanne Pence è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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