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You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader: How Anyone, Anywhere, Can Make a Positive Difference (2006)

di Mark Sanborn

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339479,349 (3.23)2
Business. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:In his inspiring new book, You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader, Mark Sanborn, the author of the national bestseller The Fred Factor, shows how each of us can be a leader in our daily lives and make a positive difference, whatever our title or position.
Through the stories of a number of unsung heroes, Sanborn reveals the keys each one of us can use to improve our organizations and enhance our careers.
Genuine leadership – leadership with a “little l”, as he puts it, is not conferred by a title, or limited to the executive suite. Rather, it is shown through our everyday actions and the way we influence the lives of those around us. Among the qualities that genuine leaders share:
• Acting with purpose rather than getting bogged down by mindless activity
• Caring about and listening to others
• Looking for ways to encourage the contributions and development of others rather than focusing solely on personal achievements
• Creating a legacy of accomplishment and contribution in everything they do
As readers across the country discovered in The Fred Factor, Mark Sanborn has an unparalleled ability to explain fundamental business and leadership truths through simple stories and anecdotes. You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader offers an inspiring message to anyone who wants to take control of their life and make a positive difference.
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I like this book. I think that Mark Sanborn has a good point. We are all leaders and we can and do influence others. It is inspiring. So just be a good incluence and presto you are a leader whether you have a title or not. ( )
  GlennBell | Nov 11, 2010 |
A very light common-sense approach to leadership which can basically be summed up by: you will reap what you sow. The examples he gives are ordinary and not particularly eye-opening about good teachers and engaged employees. There are no real tools, nor any principles. It is however simple, easy to read and a nice reminder of how to act on a daily basis. ( )
  Cecilturtle | May 16, 2009 |
I enjoyed this book for what it was but, as it goes with "self-help" type books (the ones that are actually helpful, that is), it's nothing more than common sense put on paper. ( )
  contessa20 | Sep 15, 2008 |
This book was okay. It was required reading assigned by my boss. I thought some parts were slow and uninteresting while other parts I quite enjoyed and found to be very inspiring and true. In fact, the parts I really enjoyed seemed to be the shortest and I wish he had expanded on them. Principle 1 of Leadership: The Power of Self-Mastery, in particular. I'll probably reread this book some time in the future. ( )
  paperdoll | Jan 30, 2008 |
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To my parents Leslie and Dorothy Sanborn who provided a strong foundation
To Dr. Earl (Doc) Kantner my mentor and friend
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Recently, the vice president of a multinational technology company I know needed someone on his team to lead a mission-critical project.
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Business. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:In his inspiring new book, You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader, Mark Sanborn, the author of the national bestseller The Fred Factor, shows how each of us can be a leader in our daily lives and make a positive difference, whatever our title or position.
Through the stories of a number of unsung heroes, Sanborn reveals the keys each one of us can use to improve our organizations and enhance our careers.
Genuine leadership – leadership with a “little l”, as he puts it, is not conferred by a title, or limited to the executive suite. Rather, it is shown through our everyday actions and the way we influence the lives of those around us. Among the qualities that genuine leaders share:
• Acting with purpose rather than getting bogged down by mindless activity
• Caring about and listening to others
• Looking for ways to encourage the contributions and development of others rather than focusing solely on personal achievements
• Creating a legacy of accomplishment and contribution in everything they do
As readers across the country discovered in The Fred Factor, Mark Sanborn has an unparalleled ability to explain fundamental business and leadership truths through simple stories and anecdotes. You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader offers an inspiring message to anyone who wants to take control of their life and make a positive difference.

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