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Finding Home: The Houses of Pursley Dixon

di Ken Pursley

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14Nessuno1,482,130 (3)Nessuno
Founded on the simple principle of 'Build beautiful things', the architectural team of Pursley Dixon, like populist architects Bobby McAlpine and Jeff Dungan, is known for blending elements of tradition with a modern lifestyle. In Finding Home, they share 15 stunning houses in three distinct styles: rustic mountain escapes, dreamy retreats by the water, and elegant houses in town. Each house has its own thoughtful visual narrative, but all are connected on an innate and authentic level by their sense of proportion, attention to detail, and a marvellous affinity with nature, displayed in their soothing neutral palettes, oversize windows that bring the outdoors in, and natural materials such as rough-hewn stone and unfinished wood. Little touches of humanity await discovery, such as a sleeping nook perched right out into the highest branches of a tree. These eccentricities and secrets add to the distinctly Southern sense of warmth and refuge these homes provide, homes whose open interiors and majestic porches easily accommodate family and gatherings.   Featuring their own interior design work as well as that of acclaimed decorators such as Suzanne Kasler, Phoebe Howard, and Circa Interiors, Finding Home is about creating houses of inherent beauty that will spark an emotional connection to last a lifetime.… (altro)
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Founded on the simple principle of 'Build beautiful things', the architectural team of Pursley Dixon, like populist architects Bobby McAlpine and Jeff Dungan, is known for blending elements of tradition with a modern lifestyle. In Finding Home, they share 15 stunning houses in three distinct styles: rustic mountain escapes, dreamy retreats by the water, and elegant houses in town. Each house has its own thoughtful visual narrative, but all are connected on an innate and authentic level by their sense of proportion, attention to detail, and a marvellous affinity with nature, displayed in their soothing neutral palettes, oversize windows that bring the outdoors in, and natural materials such as rough-hewn stone and unfinished wood. Little touches of humanity await discovery, such as a sleeping nook perched right out into the highest branches of a tree. These eccentricities and secrets add to the distinctly Southern sense of warmth and refuge these homes provide, homes whose open interiors and majestic porches easily accommodate family and gatherings.   Featuring their own interior design work as well as that of acclaimed decorators such as Suzanne Kasler, Phoebe Howard, and Circa Interiors, Finding Home is about creating houses of inherent beauty that will spark an emotional connection to last a lifetime.

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