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Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue…
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Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood (edizione 2021)

di Mark Oppenheimer (Autore)

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Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:A piercing portrait of the struggles and triumphs of one of America's renowned Jewish neighborhoods in the wake of unspeakable tragedy that highlights the hopes, fears, and tensions all Americans must confront on the road to healing.
Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, is one of the oldest Jewish neighborhoods in the country, known for its tight-knit community and the profusion of multigenerational families. On October 27, 2018, a gunman killed eleven Jews who were worshipping at the Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hillthe most deadly anti-Semitic attack in American history.
Many neighborhoods would be understandably subsumed by despair and recrimination after such an event, but not this one. Mark Oppenheimer poignantly shifts the focus away from the criminal and his crime, and instead presents the historic, spirited community at the center of this heartbreak. He speaks with residents and nonresidents, Jews and gentiles, survivors and witnesses, teenagers and seniors, activists and historians.
Together, these stories provide a kaleidoscopic and nuanced account of collective grief, love, support, and revival. But Oppenheimer also details the difficult dialogue and messy confrontations that Squirrel Hill had to face in the process of healing, and that are a necessary part of true growth and understanding in any community. He has reverently captured the vibrancy and caring that still characterize Squirrel Hill, and it is this phenomenal resilience that can provide inspiration to any place burdened with discrimination and hate.
… (altro)
Titolo:Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood
Autori:Mark Oppenheimer (Autore)
Info:Knopf (2021), 320 pages
Collezioni:2020 Inventory, Judaism, La tua biblioteca, In lettura

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Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood di Mark Oppenheimer

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But what happens to a Jewish neighborhood in the wake of a shooting that becomes a national news story? This question animates Mark Oppenheimer’s “Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood,” a poignant, deeply researched account of the Pittsburgh Jewish neighborhood in the aftermath of tragedy. Oppenheimer sets the scene with details even those familiar with the story might forget. The shooter was particularly incensed by Dor Hadash, a progressive congregation participating in the National Refugee Shabbat, an initiative organized by HIAS (originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). What he came upon when he invaded the building was a custodian and 21 of the most regular members of three congregations, including the smaller New Light, all sharing one roof to save costs in an era of dwindling membership. Many of the people preparing for Saturday worship that morning were elderly, frail and most in need of community care.
aggiunto da kidzdoc | modificaThe New York Times, Irina Reyn (Oct 27, 2021)
This grisly massacre, the deadliest antisemitic assault recorded in American history, is the focus of journalist Mark Oppenheimer’s “Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood.” His compelling exploration of its impact on the community is by turns searing and compassionate. It is an emotionally draining terrain, flecked with occasional, unexpected pockets of consolation. But in placing this hate crime against our country’s patchwork canvas of faith, politics and violence, Oppenheimer provides a powerful meditation on the changing meaning of community and belonging in an age of disconnection and isolation.
For those interested in revisiting that time, though, “Squirrel Hill” is a compelling read. Oppenheimer covers the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and shares the zeitgeist of the neighborhood through in-depth portrayals of various community members. Jewish Pittsburghers will recognize many, if not all, of the people Oppenheimer chooses to feature in this book. Some are obvious choices, such as the rabbis of two of the congregations attacked, Jeffrey Myers of Tree of Life and Jonathan Perlman of New Light; Dan Leger and Barry Werber, who both survived the shooting; and Eric Lidji, the director of the Rauh Jewish Archives, who is given his own chapter for undertaking the Herculean task of collecting and cataloguing the materials created and donated in the wake of the massacre.
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I am the Lord, and you shall keep my Sabbaths, and you shall venerate my sanctuary. For if you follow my laws and keep my commandments...I will give you peace in the land, and you shall lie down and no one shall terrify you.

— Leviticus 26:2-6
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Just before ten o-clock in the morning of October 27, 2018, police cars, a SWAT team, multiple fire trucks, and a fleet of ambulances converged into a serpentine caravan that sped into the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, the sirens shredding Saturday's early calm.
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Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:A piercing portrait of the struggles and triumphs of one of America's renowned Jewish neighborhoods in the wake of unspeakable tragedy that highlights the hopes, fears, and tensions all Americans must confront on the road to healing.
Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, is one of the oldest Jewish neighborhoods in the country, known for its tight-knit community and the profusion of multigenerational families. On October 27, 2018, a gunman killed eleven Jews who were worshipping at the Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hillthe most deadly anti-Semitic attack in American history.
Many neighborhoods would be understandably subsumed by despair and recrimination after such an event, but not this one. Mark Oppenheimer poignantly shifts the focus away from the criminal and his crime, and instead presents the historic, spirited community at the center of this heartbreak. He speaks with residents and nonresidents, Jews and gentiles, survivors and witnesses, teenagers and seniors, activists and historians.
Together, these stories provide a kaleidoscopic and nuanced account of collective grief, love, support, and revival. But Oppenheimer also details the difficult dialogue and messy confrontations that Squirrel Hill had to face in the process of healing, and that are a necessary part of true growth and understanding in any community. He has reverently captured the vibrancy and caring that still characterize Squirrel Hill, and it is this phenomenal resilience that can provide inspiration to any place burdened with discrimination and hate.

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