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Building a Disciple-making Ministry: The Timeless Principles of Arthur Flake for Sunday School and Small Groups

di Lifeway Adults

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Building a Disciple-making Ministry looks at the principles and techniques used by Arthur Flake to reestablish Bible study groups after the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1919. As churches began regathering, several realized the opportunity for reaching people through Bible study. At the center of this movement was Arthur Flake. He understood that the ongoing Bible study ministry (what he called Sunday School) was the local church's greatest tool for executing evangelism and discipleship, and thus, accomplishing the Great Commission. He led and structured Sunday School accordingly. This book looks at the principles followed by Flake that helped churches regather and grow their ongoing Bible study groups. Today's leaders and teachers can learn from Flake as they begin to meet again and reestablish their ongoing Bible study groups as tools for reaching their communities with the gospel and discipling believers. Features: - Flake's five-step formula for growing your church's disciple-making ministry - Practical steps for starting new groups - Six essentials for an evangelistic Sunday School - And much more Benefits: - Learn about the life of Arthur Flake. - Reignite your passion for praying for people who don't yet know Christ. - Discover how to know the possibilities of your Bible study ministry. - See nine ways to create a list of prospects for your Bible study groups. - Learn how to start new groups. - Discover the key element of Sunday School growth. - Learn how to evaluate the quality of your training process. - See 10 options to consider for equipping leaders. - Know which space killers to avoid. - See why Sunday School is your church's best evangelistic tool.… (altro)
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Building a Disciple-making Ministry looks at the principles and techniques used by Arthur Flake to reestablish Bible study groups after the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1919. As churches began regathering, several realized the opportunity for reaching people through Bible study. At the center of this movement was Arthur Flake. He understood that the ongoing Bible study ministry (what he called Sunday School) was the local church's greatest tool for executing evangelism and discipleship, and thus, accomplishing the Great Commission. He led and structured Sunday School accordingly. This book looks at the principles followed by Flake that helped churches regather and grow their ongoing Bible study groups. Today's leaders and teachers can learn from Flake as they begin to meet again and reestablish their ongoing Bible study groups as tools for reaching their communities with the gospel and discipling believers. Features: - Flake's five-step formula for growing your church's disciple-making ministry - Practical steps for starting new groups - Six essentials for an evangelistic Sunday School - And much more Benefits: - Learn about the life of Arthur Flake. - Reignite your passion for praying for people who don't yet know Christ. - Discover how to know the possibilities of your Bible study ministry. - See nine ways to create a list of prospects for your Bible study groups. - Learn how to start new groups. - Discover the key element of Sunday School growth. - Learn how to evaluate the quality of your training process. - See 10 options to consider for equipping leaders. - Know which space killers to avoid. - See why Sunday School is your church's best evangelistic tool.

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