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Wanting Happily Ever After

di Elena Aitken

Serie: Ever After (3)

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

He's her best friend. She's holding on to an old hurt. Will guarding her heart keep her from the one thing that can heal her for good?

A young widow with a child to raise, Sarah Lewis has spent the last few years focusing on her child and protecting her heart. She's vowed not to open herself up that kind of heart ache again. It threatened to consume her once before, no way is she doing that again.

New in town, sexy chef Brody Morris has more on his mind than getting his new restaurant off the ground. He's set his sights on the strong willed, single mom who also happens to be his best friend and is completely shut off from the idea of a relationship.

Sarah finds herself leaning more and more on Brody and soon, feelings that are a whole lot stronger than friendship start to develop. In order to love again, Sarah must be willing to be vulnerable and open her heart to the possibility. But opening up, means risking the hurt that almost destroyed her once before. Only this time it's not just her heart on the line...but her daughter's as well.

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

He's her best friend. She's holding on to an old hurt. Will guarding her heart keep her from the one thing that can heal her for good?

A young widow with a child to raise, Sarah Lewis has spent the last few years focusing on her child and protecting her heart. She's vowed not to open herself up that kind of heart ache again. It threatened to consume her once before, no way is she doing that again.

New in town, sexy chef Brody Morris has more on his mind than getting his new restaurant off the ground. He's set his sights on the strong willed, single mom who also happens to be his best friend and is completely shut off from the idea of a relationship.

Sarah finds herself leaning more and more on Brody and soon, feelings that are a whole lot stronger than friendship start to develop. In order to love again, Sarah must be willing to be vulnerable and open her heart to the possibility. But opening up, means risking the hurt that almost destroyed her once before. Only this time it's not just her heart on the line...but her daughter's as well.


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