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"Thanks for the Business": K.C. Irving, Arthur Irving, and the Story of Irving Oil

di Donald Savoie

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Are entrepreneurs born or are they made? "Thanks for the Business" seeks to address this age-old question through the compelling stories of Maritime business tycoons Arthur Irving and K. C. Irving, and the story of Irving Oil. As one keen observer wrote of the Irvings: "You can love them or hate them, but you have to respect them." Through countless interviews and extensive research, award-winning author Donald J. Savoie (Looking for Bootstraps) details a business success born in Bouctouche and grown from Saint John, New Brunswick, and which now operates Canada's largest refinery, along with more than nine hundred gas stations spanning Eastern Canada and New England. The company also has offices in Amsterdam and London, England, and operates Ireland's only refinery. As K. C. Irving said, business is never given?it has to be earned, one customer at a time. "Thanks for the Business" traces the Irving family back to its roots in Scotland, covers the establishment and early years of the company, and looks at how Irving Oil is confronting current challenges. This comprehensive biography holds important lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, for business schools, for public policy, and particularly for Atlantic Canada.… (altro)
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Are entrepreneurs born or are they made? "Thanks for the Business" seeks to address this age-old question through the compelling stories of Maritime business tycoons Arthur Irving and K. C. Irving, and the story of Irving Oil. As one keen observer wrote of the Irvings: "You can love them or hate them, but you have to respect them." Through countless interviews and extensive research, award-winning author Donald J. Savoie (Looking for Bootstraps) details a business success born in Bouctouche and grown from Saint John, New Brunswick, and which now operates Canada's largest refinery, along with more than nine hundred gas stations spanning Eastern Canada and New England. The company also has offices in Amsterdam and London, England, and operates Ireland's only refinery. As K. C. Irving said, business is never given?it has to be earned, one customer at a time. "Thanks for the Business" traces the Irving family back to its roots in Scotland, covers the establishment and early years of the company, and looks at how Irving Oil is confronting current challenges. This comprehensive biography holds important lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, for business schools, for public policy, and particularly for Atlantic Canada.

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