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A Testament of Devotion

di Thomas R. Kelly

Altri autori: Douglas V. Steere (Biographical memoir author)

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

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1,0691819,871 (4.35)8
Since its first publication in 1941, A Testament of Devotion, by the renowned Quaker teacher Thomas Kelly, has been universally embraced as a truly enduring spiritual classic. Plainspoken and deeply inspirational, it gathers together five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to find quiet and stillness within modern life, and to discover the deeply satisfying and lasting peace of the inner spiritual journey. As relevant today as it was a half-century ago, A Testament of Devotion is the ideal companion to that highest of all human arts-the lifelong conversation between God and his creatures. I have in mind something deeper than the simplification of our external programs, our absurdly crowded calendars of appointments through which so many pantingly and frantically gasp. These do become simplified in holy obedience, and the poise and peace we have been missing can really be found. But there is a deeper, an internal simplification of the whole of one's personality, stilled, tranquil, in childlike trust listening ever to Eternity's whisper, walking with a smile into the dark."… (altro)
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For me this was a book that just could not be read just once.
I just finished reading a testament of devotion. Is it not strange how the different parts of one's life can come together in synchronicity? This book started as both a joy and struggle to read. By the time I finished reading it tonight, I was drawn back through a second "skim" reading, where the previous essays became clear as examples of the same theme with particular attention towards different focuses. It is the same thing that has come to me in my scripture readings, in my prayer for walk these last few days and months, in my conversations with others, and even in my Sunday school lesson on the Rich Young ruler from Luke chapter 18 this weekend. Simply put I need to go back to the greatest commandment. Do I love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind? Am I living my life this way? How do I practice it, so that it becomes second nature? How do I practice so that my will is directed towards god, so that God's Light then enters my central self, that my will is replaced by God's will in my life? I've already started down this path. The joy now is that I find it easier and easier to hunger for God throughout the day. I see the fruit in my life. I see it in the people around me. I also see times when the pain and suffering of this world is there. I experienced the disconnect, the tripping, the blind aley ways I falter down. Yet like Thomas Kelly says, I don't fall into despair, but I pick myself up, and redirect myself towards the Light. Not my will, but His. Love and be loved. Oh how sweet!
This will be a book to revisit continually for simple affirmation and encouragement in my life. ( )
  wvlibrarydude | Jan 14, 2024 |
Given to Matthew Hayes - 05/11/2023
  revbill1961 | May 11, 2023 |
Published in 1941, I found it hard to relate to Kelly's style of writing. Also, my unfamiliarity with Quaker verbiage was detrimental to understanding his premise. ( )
  KoestK | Apr 27, 2023 |
Steere is author of the biography; Kelly wrote everything else
  lidaskoteina | Jul 17, 2021 |
The book is a truly enduring spiritual classic. Plainspoken and deeply inspirational, it gathers together five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to find quiet and stillness within modern life, and to discover the deeply satisfying and lasting peace of the inner spiritual journey.
  PAFM | May 14, 2021 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kelly, Thomas R.autore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Steere, Douglas V.Biographical memoir authorautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Foster, Richard J.Introduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Since its first publication in 1941, A Testament of Devotion, by the renowned Quaker teacher Thomas Kelly, has been universally embraced as a truly enduring spiritual classic. Plainspoken and deeply inspirational, it gathers together five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to find quiet and stillness within modern life, and to discover the deeply satisfying and lasting peace of the inner spiritual journey. As relevant today as it was a half-century ago, A Testament of Devotion is the ideal companion to that highest of all human arts-the lifelong conversation between God and his creatures. I have in mind something deeper than the simplification of our external programs, our absurdly crowded calendars of appointments through which so many pantingly and frantically gasp. These do become simplified in holy obedience, and the poise and peace we have been missing can really be found. But there is a deeper, an internal simplification of the whole of one's personality, stilled, tranquil, in childlike trust listening ever to Eternity's whisper, walking with a smile into the dark."

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