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Mars #06 di Fuyumi Soryo
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Mars #06 (originale 1998; edizione 2002)

di Fuyumi Soryo (Autor)

Serie: Mars (6)

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369272,224 (4.08)1
"Kira and Rei are definitely in love, but no one said love was easy....Slowly Kira begins to discover Rei's darker side...."--Cover.
Titolo:Mars #06
Autori:Fuyumi Soryo (Autor)
Info:TokyoPop (2002), Edition: Gph, 198 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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Mars, Vol. 6 di Fuyumi Soryo (1998)

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This volume is about Rei's recent past just after his brother's death and again we have to put Kira aside. We knew that Rei had lost his mind in grief and rage after Sei's death but we get to see what some of that looked like. The new character is very creepy and how Rei reacts to him is even more so. But Kira being a whole-hearted believer in people, she can see past all that. She helps Rei remember who he really is. That is what this volume is really about Kira helping Rei get back to who he really is. I do wish that we had gotten more of what is really going on with Kira but they have very little alone time because of the new stalker. More drama in general and about the stalker next time!

I give this manga a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money. ( )
  lrainey | May 25, 2016 |
Susan says: This is an ongoing series, and it has just taken an astonishing twist. Rei and Kira have been dating for some time now, although they are very different people. In the last volume a new boy came to school who had a crush on Rei. It turns out this boy, Masao, is not what he seems – he is just as dangerous as Rei is, and somehow spurs Rei on to more dangerous behavior. In this volume Rei finds out that he saved Masao’s life two years ago, and since then Masao killed the leader of the gang that he was in. So far Masao seems very manipulative, lying to people and letting them believe good things about him instead of bad. I will definitely keep reading in this series to see what happens. ( )
  59Square | Feb 14, 2009 |
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Mars (6)
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"Kira and Rei are definitely in love, but no one said love was easy....Slowly Kira begins to discover Rei's darker side...."--Cover.

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Media: (4.08)
2 1
2.5 1
3 15
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4 24
4.5 1
5 24

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