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Mars Manga 1-15 Horse with No Name…
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Mars Manga 1-15 "Horse with No Name" compllete set (originale 1998; edizione 2002)

di Fuyumi Soryo (Autore)

Serie: Mars (7)

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347277,350 (4.1)2
A bad boy can change a good girl forever. Rei is the school delinquent. Kira is shy and studious. What they see in each other is a mystery to their friends. What they find in each other is a miracle to themselves. With a style that is artistic and chic, this tale of restless and confused high school love will appeal to young women everywhere.… (altro)
Titolo:Mars Manga 1-15 "Horse with No Name" compllete set
Autori:Fuyumi Soryo (Autore)
Info:TokyoPop 12/10/2002 (2002)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

Informazioni sull'opera

Mars, Vol. 7 di Fuyumi Soryo (1998)

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So the crazy kid Masao thinks that if Kira was gone then Rei would be more like him. He almost gets himself killed more than once in this volume. But the really interesting thing is what he knows about Kira. We get to see something in flashbacks that happened to Kira but no real idea until the last two pages when she freaks out on Rei. I find the drama very interesting because I think that most teenagers do not know really too much about stalking or the other scary things that can happen but they make good drama. So this is almost a first introduction to this kind of behavior, now I could be wrong, just going off my own teenage years and what little I knew about others then. The art again has some moments of real beauty and they happened when the violence was at the worst. The contrast was good and added more interest to the scene.

I give this volume a Five out of Five. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
  lrainey | May 25, 2016 |
Mars, which always had a dark undertone, has now become very dark and threatening. In the last volume, there was a psychotic freshman who desperately wanted to be with Rei. In this volume Masao decided that he had better kill Kira, since she was preventing Rei from being who Masao thought he should be. This led to some suspenseful scenes between Masao and Kira on top of the hospital where Kira's mother was in recovery. Rei found himself wanting to take care of and protect Kira as much as possible, but still questioning the side of himself that is more angry and evil. I think this book has an interesting dichotomy between love and evil, and which will prevail at the end. ( )
  59Square | Sep 23, 2008 |
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Mars (7)
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A bad boy can change a good girl forever. Rei is the school delinquent. Kira is shy and studious. What they see in each other is a mystery to their friends. What they find in each other is a miracle to themselves. With a style that is artistic and chic, this tale of restless and confused high school love will appeal to young women everywhere.

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