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Explore the Bible: Exodus Bible Study Book

di Steve Gaines

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Explore the Bible: Exodus Bible Study Book is a six-session study that will help you and your group members realize that human weakness should not lead to despair but to reliance on God's power to accomplish His will. Exodus could be considered the central book in the Old Testament because it records the departure of God's people from Egypt--His act of saving the Israelites and establishing them as a covenant community, a nation chosen to serve and represent Him. God also offered the nation forgiveness of their sins through blood sacrifice; gave them guiding principles for daily life; protected them from certain death in the Red Sea; and declared that He longed to draw near to them and establish a permanent, intimate relationship. God also revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush and promised to be with him in the daunting task of leading Israel out of bondage. Moses was initially reluctant, based on his feelings of inadequacy, to act in accordance with God's will. But his significance in biblical history is not primarily based on his standing as an example of godliness and faith. Rather, it's based on the fact that God's plan and power worked through him to accomplish His will--despite Moses' doubt and fear. Session Titles 1. Preparation--Exodus 3:4-10; 4:10-13 2. Confrontation--Exodus 7:1-13 3. Free at Last--Exodus 4:15-28 4. Into the Wilderness--Exodus 14:13-28 5. Mount Sinai--Exodus 20:1-17 6. The Tabernacle--Exodus 39:42; 40:4,34-38 Features: - Verse-by-verse approach to Bible study - Leader material (tips for leading a group and suggestions for guiding six group sessions) - Text-driven, streamlined experience with God's Word - Provocative questions, scriptural support and text, application, and preparation Benefits: - See that the Lord keeps His promises and gives rescue, rest, and protection to His people. - Be reminded that victory requires trust and faith. - Learn that God acts supernaturally to save people who are powerless to help themselves.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daifinishthird, LitfanHasFaith, DanKocher
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Explore the Bible: Exodus Bible Study Book is a six-session study that will help you and your group members realize that human weakness should not lead to despair but to reliance on God's power to accomplish His will. Exodus could be considered the central book in the Old Testament because it records the departure of God's people from Egypt--His act of saving the Israelites and establishing them as a covenant community, a nation chosen to serve and represent Him. God also offered the nation forgiveness of their sins through blood sacrifice; gave them guiding principles for daily life; protected them from certain death in the Red Sea; and declared that He longed to draw near to them and establish a permanent, intimate relationship. God also revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush and promised to be with him in the daunting task of leading Israel out of bondage. Moses was initially reluctant, based on his feelings of inadequacy, to act in accordance with God's will. But his significance in biblical history is not primarily based on his standing as an example of godliness and faith. Rather, it's based on the fact that God's plan and power worked through him to accomplish His will--despite Moses' doubt and fear. Session Titles 1. Preparation--Exodus 3:4-10; 4:10-13 2. Confrontation--Exodus 7:1-13 3. Free at Last--Exodus 4:15-28 4. Into the Wilderness--Exodus 14:13-28 5. Mount Sinai--Exodus 20:1-17 6. The Tabernacle--Exodus 39:42; 40:4,34-38 Features: - Verse-by-verse approach to Bible study - Leader material (tips for leading a group and suggestions for guiding six group sessions) - Text-driven, streamlined experience with God's Word - Provocative questions, scriptural support and text, application, and preparation Benefits: - See that the Lord keeps His promises and gives rescue, rest, and protection to His people. - Be reminded that victory requires trust and faith. - Learn that God acts supernaturally to save people who are powerless to help themselves.

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