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Assassin: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel…
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Assassin: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel (Darkblade Book 1) (edizione 2021)

di Andy Peloquin (Autore)

Serie: Hero of Darkness (1)

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593456,470 (3.63)1
The best assassin in the world doesn't come cheap. Betraying him will cost your soul. The Hunter is a name feared by all in Voramis. He is an outcast, driven by a cursed dagger with an unquenchable thirst for blood and death. Yet he follows one simple code: kill those who truly deserve to die. His creed is put to the test when, deceived by a shadowy employer, he unknowingly slaughters an innocent man. With the most powerful criminal organization in the city after his head, the Hunter must fight for his life and find a way to atone for his mistake. When his enemies harm the people under his protection, it will take much more than an army criminals to stand in the way of his revenge. If you love anti-heroes like the Punisher or Dexter in a dark, complex fantasy realm, then immerse yourself in Hero of Darkness today! Andy Peloquin delivers an epic tale of one man's struggle to survive and find his place in a world that shuns and rejects him. Praise for Blade of the Destroyer: It starts off with a bang and the pace never slows down. - K.V. Pay attention and you just might discover that the story you thought you were reading is not the story you finish. - Amazon Review What can you say about a book that grabs you from the very first page? You become a bit obsessed and read the whole book in like three days! - P.S. In the Hero of Darkness Series: Book 1: Darkblade Assassin (May 29th) Book 2: Darkblade Outcast (June 5th) Book 3: Darkblade Protector (June 19th) Book 4: Darkblade Seeker (July 10th) Book 5: Darkblade Slayer (August 7th) Book 6: Darkblade Savior (September 4th)… (altro)
Titolo:Assassin: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel (Darkblade Book 1)
Autori:Andy Peloquin (Autore)
Info:The Fantasy Fiends Publishing Inc. (2021), 672 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Darkblade Assassin: An Epic Fantasy Adventure (Hero of Darkness) di Andy Peloquin

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The story was good enough that I kept reading even after the constant character and plot inconsistencies. But eventually, the extreme yo-yo of emotions within the same paragraph, along with the author's tendency to both show AND tell to death made it impossible to continue.

Additional note: the treatment of women in this book is ten times worse than the "damsel in distress" that comes to mind when you read that phrase. Just disgusting. See highlights. ( )
  BreePye | Oct 6, 2023 |

Small Backstory:

The Hunter (Assassin) wants to clean up his city of Voramis by taking out the trash so to speak as thugs called the Bloody Hand are trying to tarnish the city by ruling it anyway they can even if it means killing people that get in their way.

The Hunter learns more than he wants to know about the Bloody Hand and he finds out eventually that what is actually ruling the Bloody Hand is far more evil than he realized but stopping it will take everything he has including body and soul!

That is about all I can hand out without giving away spoilers so if just that tiny bit of info sounds intriguing then you need to go read this book!


This book was freaking awesome! It is quite lengthy but it packs a major wallop within as the pages light up with sword/dagger fights, evil villains, and tons of action! Besides all the action, there are tons of emotions within this book as well - lots of characters that interact with our main character the Hunter which you will become attached to as you move through the book.

There is also suspense, nail-biting tension, breathtaking hitch moments and heart string pulls throughout the book. The visual writing style of the author will literally pull you into his world and you will see and feel everything that happens within the storyline.

There was a little bit of world building in the beginning but there was action right away too - the book never slowed down - in fact the more I read of it the faster the pace seems to become.

After the 50% mark the pace became even faster and I would find myself staying up all hours of the night reading as more things were revealed within the story.

The author, [a:Andy Peloquin|8038662|Andy Peloquin|] is the real deal and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series which there are quite a few books to read now and more to come in the future so I am here for the long haul and absolutely cannot wait to continue on this journey into the world of the Hunter! Giving this book five "Sword/Dagger Action" stars!

Highly Recommend!
( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This book was a complete blast to read from start to finish. The action starts immediately and literally keeps going the entire time. There are some deep emotions in this one and some phenomenal characters that are flawed yet lovable. The backstory is amazing and we get it in pieces throughout the book.

The battles are written perfectly and there are tons of awesome weapons, gore and spectacular deaths! I freaking loved it! Fantastic dark fantasy, will definitely be continuing this series and looking into everything else from Andy because this guy is legit! ( )
  Halestormer78 | Jun 4, 2022 |
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A man often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it

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Eyes the color of midnight watched Lord Damaria plunge to the forest floor.
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Darkblade Assassin is a revised version of Blade of the Destroyer.
Andy Peloquin is revising his series Last of the Bucelarii and re-issuing it under the title Hero of Darkness.
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The best assassin in the world doesn't come cheap. Betraying him will cost your soul. The Hunter is a name feared by all in Voramis. He is an outcast, driven by a cursed dagger with an unquenchable thirst for blood and death. Yet he follows one simple code: kill those who truly deserve to die. His creed is put to the test when, deceived by a shadowy employer, he unknowingly slaughters an innocent man. With the most powerful criminal organization in the city after his head, the Hunter must fight for his life and find a way to atone for his mistake. When his enemies harm the people under his protection, it will take much more than an army criminals to stand in the way of his revenge. If you love anti-heroes like the Punisher or Dexter in a dark, complex fantasy realm, then immerse yourself in Hero of Darkness today! Andy Peloquin delivers an epic tale of one man's struggle to survive and find his place in a world that shuns and rejects him. Praise for Blade of the Destroyer: It starts off with a bang and the pace never slows down. - K.V. Pay attention and you just might discover that the story you thought you were reading is not the story you finish. - Amazon Review What can you say about a book that grabs you from the very first page? You become a bit obsessed and read the whole book in like three days! - P.S. In the Hero of Darkness Series: Book 1: Darkblade Assassin (May 29th) Book 2: Darkblade Outcast (June 5th) Book 3: Darkblade Protector (June 19th) Book 4: Darkblade Seeker (July 10th) Book 5: Darkblade Slayer (August 7th) Book 6: Darkblade Savior (September 4th)

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