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House of Salt and Sorrows (SISTERS OF THE…
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House of Salt and Sorrows (SISTERS OF THE SALT) (originale 2019; edizione 2020)

di Erin A. Craig (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,222607,420 (3.86)13
Fantasy. Romance. Folklore. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Get swept away by this “haunting” (Bustle) YA novel about twelve beautiful sisters living on an isolated island estate who begin to mysteriously die one by one. This dark and atmospheric fairy tale inspired story is perfect for fans of Yellowjackets.
"Step inside a fairy tale." —Stephanie Garber, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Caraval

In a manor by the sea, twelve sisters are cursed.
Annaleigh lives a sheltered life at Highmoor with her sisters and their father and stepmother. Once there were twelve, but loneliness fills the grand halls now that four of the girls' lives have been cut short. Each death was more tragic than the last—the plague, a plummeting fall, a drowning, a slippery plunge—and there are whispers throughout the surrounding villages that the family is cursed by the gods.
Disturbed by a series of ghostly visions, Annaleigh becomes increasingly suspicious that her sister's deaths were no accidents. The girls have been sneaking out every night to attend glittering balls, dancing until dawn in silk gowns and shimmering slippers, and Annaleigh isn't sure whether to try to stop them or to join their forbidden trysts. Because who—or what—are they really dancing with?
When Annaleigh's involvement with a mysterious stranger who has secrets of his own intensifies, it's a race to unravel the darkness that has fallen over her family—before it claims her next. House of Salt and Sorrows is a spellbinding novel filled with magic and the rustle of gossamer skirts down long, dark hallways. Be careful who you dance with...
And don't miss Erin Craig's Small Favors, a mesmerizing and chilling novel about dark wishes and even darker dreams..
… (altro)
Titolo:House of Salt and Sorrows (SISTERS OF THE SALT)
Autori:Erin A. Craig (Autore)
Info:Ember (2020), 416 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

House of Salt and Sorrows di Erin A. Craig (2019)

  1. 10
    Mexican Gothic di Silvia Moreno-Garcia (LAKobow)
    LAKobow: Gothic mystery set in a huge estate with a young female protagonist. Sketchy familial relationships and magic abound.
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» Vedi le 13 citazioni

This haunting story had me hooked from the first few pages. Sisters dying left and right, an alleged curse, and ghosts all on a spooky island. This chilling tale had me trusting no one and watching over my shoulder when the lights went out.

Loved all of the attention to detail when it came to the outfits the girls wore. Will definitely be checking out some more books by this author. ( )
  Nlwilson607 | Jul 2, 2024 |
I loved the concept of this book through and through. The fairytale retelling, the rich world-building, the whimsical sort of horror were all great and just what I was hoping for. But there were a lot of fantastic elements in theory that just didn't quite come together in execution for me, a lot of important knowledge we learn far too late in the story, and the characters just didn't have the depth they needed. Overall, it makes me interested to read her second book, Sweet Favors, to see if these things improved. ( )
  staygoldsunshine | Apr 23, 2024 |
This book really creeped me out I was surprised. I don’t read that much horror. ( )
  FrinoBaggins | Feb 20, 2024 |
what happens when you mix the culture of the Iron Islands, Cuthulu, the Barbie 12 Dancing Princesses movie, and YA drama? this book is what happens. ( )
  lindywilson | Jan 3, 2024 |
I really did enjoy the book. I wish there was some type of family tree to make the understanding of who the sisters where because it was hard to remember who is who. I thought this was such a eery read and it was super compelling. I really did enjoy the setting of the book and also the main character as well. I thought the world building in this book could have been stronger at points and clearer. I really did enjoy the romance that was tossed in and it was very fast pace read. Sometime the framework and the plot was harder to follow, but overall if you are looking for a creepy fall read set at a beach place with fairytale tossed in, this might be the read for you. ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
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Erin A. Craigautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Lawrence, EmilyNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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With so much love to my grandparents
Phoebe and Walter,
who always said I would write a book.
I'm so happy you were right.
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Candlelight reflected off the silver anchor etched onto my sister's necklace.
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Fantasy. Romance. Folklore. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Get swept away by this “haunting” (Bustle) YA novel about twelve beautiful sisters living on an isolated island estate who begin to mysteriously die one by one. This dark and atmospheric fairy tale inspired story is perfect for fans of Yellowjackets.
"Step inside a fairy tale." —Stephanie Garber, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Caraval

In a manor by the sea, twelve sisters are cursed.
Annaleigh lives a sheltered life at Highmoor with her sisters and their father and stepmother. Once there were twelve, but loneliness fills the grand halls now that four of the girls' lives have been cut short. Each death was more tragic than the last—the plague, a plummeting fall, a drowning, a slippery plunge—and there are whispers throughout the surrounding villages that the family is cursed by the gods.
Disturbed by a series of ghostly visions, Annaleigh becomes increasingly suspicious that her sister's deaths were no accidents. The girls have been sneaking out every night to attend glittering balls, dancing until dawn in silk gowns and shimmering slippers, and Annaleigh isn't sure whether to try to stop them or to join their forbidden trysts. Because who—or what—are they really dancing with?
When Annaleigh's involvement with a mysterious stranger who has secrets of his own intensifies, it's a race to unravel the darkness that has fallen over her family—before it claims her next. House of Salt and Sorrows is a spellbinding novel filled with magic and the rustle of gossamer skirts down long, dark hallways. Be careful who you dance with...
And don't miss Erin Craig's Small Favors, a mesmerizing and chilling novel about dark wishes and even darker dreams..

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Media: (3.86)
1 4
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2 12
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3 56
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5 67

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