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Second Sight Volume 1: The Evil That Men Do ...

di David Hine

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2Nessuno5,380,446 (3)Nessuno
Collecting the mind-altering six-issue series from David Hine and AlbertoPonticelli! Twenty years ago, Ray Pilgrim became a celebrity when he discovered hisunique ability to see through the eyes of psychotic killers who were terrorizingLondon. But his world collapsed around him when he was accused of the samecrimes as the monsters he hunted. Now, Pilgrim's teenage daughter is using herblog to investigate a ring of child abusers that includes some of the mostpowerful men in British society - men who are prepared to kill anyone whothreatens to expose them. In order to protect his daughter and uncover thetruth, Pilgrim must reluctantly revisit his past and the twisted path that ledto the hotel room the media called The Bloody Chamber.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daNoisseau, elvendido
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Collecting the mind-altering six-issue series from David Hine and AlbertoPonticelli! Twenty years ago, Ray Pilgrim became a celebrity when he discovered hisunique ability to see through the eyes of psychotic killers who were terrorizingLondon. But his world collapsed around him when he was accused of the samecrimes as the monsters he hunted. Now, Pilgrim's teenage daughter is using herblog to investigate a ring of child abusers that includes some of the mostpowerful men in British society - men who are prepared to kill anyone whothreatens to expose them. In order to protect his daughter and uncover thetruth, Pilgrim must reluctantly revisit his past and the twisted path that ledto the hotel room the media called The Bloody Chamber.

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