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Blaire Dark Romance (Dark Romance Series)

di Anita Gray

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For readers who love the darkness of FSOG, This Man, Twist Me, Captive in the Dark, & Red Sparrow. PLEASE NOTE: the original covers will soon change to match the ebooks#1 International Amazon BestsellerBought. Conditioned. Sold to the enemy.My name is Blaire. I'm head of security to a man who controls the Russian underworld in Europe. His name is Maksim and he's my master. He bought me ten years ago and conditioned me with brutality to worship and protect him. And I have protected him. I've slain everyone who has tried to do him harm. Everyone but a man he loans me to; a man who threatens to break me and everything I believe in. You're going to need a strong stomach and a strong heart to follow my story, because take my word for it, it's no fairy tale.Loved this book! Interesting characters, nonstandard plot, and lots of action! You can feel the connection developing between Charlie and Blaire over time. ~ New York Times Bestselling Author, Anna Zaires"...a complex story that delved into the darkness, while pushing hard towards the light." ~ Trish, Unbound Book Reviews"Screen worthy 5 star read." ~ BestSellers and BestStellars Book Blog… (altro)
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For readers who love the darkness of FSOG, This Man, Twist Me, Captive in the Dark, & Red Sparrow. PLEASE NOTE: the original covers will soon change to match the ebooks#1 International Amazon BestsellerBought. Conditioned. Sold to the enemy.My name is Blaire. I'm head of security to a man who controls the Russian underworld in Europe. His name is Maksim and he's my master. He bought me ten years ago and conditioned me with brutality to worship and protect him. And I have protected him. I've slain everyone who has tried to do him harm. Everyone but a man he loans me to; a man who threatens to break me and everything I believe in. You're going to need a strong stomach and a strong heart to follow my story, because take my word for it, it's no fairy tale.Loved this book! Interesting characters, nonstandard plot, and lots of action! You can feel the connection developing between Charlie and Blaire over time. ~ New York Times Bestselling Author, Anna Zaires"...a complex story that delved into the darkness, while pushing hard towards the light." ~ Trish, Unbound Book Reviews"Screen worthy 5 star read." ~ BestSellers and BestStellars Book Blog

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