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A passion for life: an inspiring story of resilience

di Paul Brock

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'At 53 years of age I had a weak right forearm. I was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease and given three to five years to live. I am now sixty. I can no longer walk, play the piano, cuddle my wife, hug my kids, drink without a straw, or piddle without someone else opening my fly and holding a bottle over what can no longer be accurately described as my private parts. But I can still think, talk, love, be loved, go to watch my beloved cricket at the SCG, taste the warmth of red wine, write and ...hope. 'And I retain my passion for life. And for telling stories...' Paul Brock was a happily married man with three children and at the peak of an illustrious career when he was diagnosed with that most terrible of conditions, Motor Neurone Disease. In this well written, moving book, Paul Brock tells of his struggle to cope with the shocking hammer blow that the diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease brought to his life. And how, years after his death was predicted and with most of his body immobilised, he still manages to live a life as rich and full as possible.… (altro)
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'At 53 years of age I had a weak right forearm. I was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease and given three to five years to live. I am now sixty. I can no longer walk, play the piano, cuddle my wife, hug my kids, drink without a straw, or piddle without someone else opening my fly and holding a bottle over what can no longer be accurately described as my private parts. But I can still think, talk, love, be loved, go to watch my beloved cricket at the SCG, taste the warmth of red wine, write and ...hope. 'And I retain my passion for life. And for telling stories...' Paul Brock was a happily married man with three children and at the peak of an illustrious career when he was diagnosed with that most terrible of conditions, Motor Neurone Disease. In this well written, moving book, Paul Brock tells of his struggle to cope with the shocking hammer blow that the diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease brought to his life. And how, years after his death was predicted and with most of his body immobilised, he still manages to live a life as rich and full as possible.

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