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The Far Side Gallery (Volume 4) di Gary…
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The Far Side Gallery (Volume 4) (originale 1984; edizione 1984)

di Gary Larson (Autore)

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2,62995,792 (4.31)19
A collection of "Far Side" cartoons featuring a variety of animals and people.
Titolo:The Far Side Gallery (Volume 4)
Autori:Gary Larson (Autore)
Info:Andrews McMeel Publishing (1984), Edition: 1986 9th printing., 192 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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The Far Side Gallery di Gary Larson (1984)

  1. 00
    Trundling Grunts di Glen Baxter (bluepiano)
    bluepiano: Baxter has more in common with Edward Gorey, but his single-panel collections aren't terribly distant from Gary Larsen's.
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» Vedi le 19 citazioni

Impromptu decision to showcase Far Side comics to R & W, so borrowed three collections from my local: this, Gallery 2, and Chickens Are Restless. Naturally there were many, many panels I took pains to point out; and of course others I remembered but didn't find in any of these. Didn't win any converts but thoroughly enjoyed the attempt. ( )
  elenchus | Sep 17, 2024 |
As always a fantastic selection of Far Side. Far Side, Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, Fox Trot, and Pearls Before Swine, are the top notch comics, and no matter my age, have always made me laugh. Shame how newspaper comics are a dying breed and that my daughter's generation and their children won't really get to appreciate it. ( )
  BenKline | Jul 1, 2020 |
A collection of Far Side comics from 1980-1984.

5/4 (One of my favorites).

Some of them are dumb jokes, some of them are just weird pictures. (I like dumb jokes and weird pictures.) And some of them are hilarious. ( )
  comfypants | Aug 16, 2018 |
Oh, books of my past.

I've had [b:The Far Side Gallery|77281|The Far Side Gallery|Gary Larson||105673] books for as long as I can remember. I grew up reading these comics and giggling to myself. Every time I come back to them I understand some of the more 'adult' and scientific jokes and puns and the comics only get more enjoyable. This collection of five books is fantastic, and brings together all (?) or at least a significant amount of [a:Gary Larson|19928|Gary Larson|]'s work.

( )
  Lepophagus | Jun 14, 2018 |
I've always liked Gary Larson, and I assume I've read every book of his, but with Goodreads, now I can see if that is indeed the case! So here's step one. ( )
  AmberTheHuman | Aug 30, 2013 |
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A collection of "Far Side" cartoons featuring a variety of animals and people.

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Media: (4.31)
1 2
2 7
2.5 1
3 58
3.5 8
4 163
4.5 15
5 222

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