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LifeWay Women Devotions, Volume Two

di Beth Moore

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This 2-disc LifeWay Women's Devotional Audio CD set includes 12 devotional segments from LifeWay Women authors' original studies and teaching. Each drive-time devotion is approximately 10 minutes in length. Use this to grow closer to God when you drive to and from work, to pick up the kids, or give as a gift This CD includes inspiring Scripture-based lessons that will offer you encouragement for your daily routine. Disc 1Track 1 From Rebekah Lyons // Freefall to Fly Meaning Follows Surrender (10:36) Track 2 From Vicki Courtney // Ever After Making Christ Your Primary Pursuit (08:56)Track 3 From Beth Moore // Sacred Secrets Rooftops (12:43) Track 4 From Karen Kingsbury // The Family of Jesus Bible Study Elizabeth's Story (07:59)Track 5 From Angela Thomas // Stronger Made Stronger to Live With Passion (09:55) Track 6 From Jennifer Rothschild // Missing Pieces God, Do You Err? (09:16)Disc 2 Track 1 From Kelly Minter // What Love Is Abiding (09:48)Track 2 From Priscilla Shirer // Breathe The Freedom of Sabbath (11:35) Track 3 FromMary Jo Sharp // Why Do You Believe That? Knowing Your Beliefs (10:13)Track 4 From Margaret Feinberg // Wonderstruck The Wonder of Prayer (08:13) Track 5 From Lisa Harper // Hebrews From Absolute Ruin to Glorious Restoration (07:13) Track 6 From Beth Moore // Children of the Day When the Lord Jesus is Revealed (09:11)Features: 2 Discs12 Devotional SegmentsAuthor: Various LifeWay Women Authors including Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Karen Kingsbury, Lisa Harper, Angela Thomas, Vicki Courtney, Mary Jo Sharp, Margaret Feinberg, Jennifer Rothschild, Kelly Minter, Rebekah Lyons.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daMatthewWarren, ClearViewBC, seowens, laholmes
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This 2-disc LifeWay Women's Devotional Audio CD set includes 12 devotional segments from LifeWay Women authors' original studies and teaching. Each drive-time devotion is approximately 10 minutes in length. Use this to grow closer to God when you drive to and from work, to pick up the kids, or give as a gift This CD includes inspiring Scripture-based lessons that will offer you encouragement for your daily routine. Disc 1Track 1 From Rebekah Lyons // Freefall to Fly Meaning Follows Surrender (10:36) Track 2 From Vicki Courtney // Ever After Making Christ Your Primary Pursuit (08:56)Track 3 From Beth Moore // Sacred Secrets Rooftops (12:43) Track 4 From Karen Kingsbury // The Family of Jesus Bible Study Elizabeth's Story (07:59)Track 5 From Angela Thomas // Stronger Made Stronger to Live With Passion (09:55) Track 6 From Jennifer Rothschild // Missing Pieces God, Do You Err? (09:16)Disc 2 Track 1 From Kelly Minter // What Love Is Abiding (09:48)Track 2 From Priscilla Shirer // Breathe The Freedom of Sabbath (11:35) Track 3 FromMary Jo Sharp // Why Do You Believe That? Knowing Your Beliefs (10:13)Track 4 From Margaret Feinberg // Wonderstruck The Wonder of Prayer (08:13) Track 5 From Lisa Harper // Hebrews From Absolute Ruin to Glorious Restoration (07:13) Track 6 From Beth Moore // Children of the Day When the Lord Jesus is Revealed (09:11)Features: 2 Discs12 Devotional SegmentsAuthor: Various LifeWay Women Authors including Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Karen Kingsbury, Lisa Harper, Angela Thomas, Vicki Courtney, Mary Jo Sharp, Margaret Feinberg, Jennifer Rothschild, Kelly Minter, Rebekah Lyons.

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