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Kestrel: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 3 di A.…
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Kestrel: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 3 (edizione 2015)

di A. M. Hargrove (Autore)

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Kestrel (A Hart Brothers Novel)**Though is part of the Hart Brothers Series, This is a Stand Alone Novel**Not intended for readers under the age of 18 due to its mature content and strong language.Two lives with horrific pasts. One chance meeting that changed them both forever."One look at her and I want to run. Frizzy hair, thick glasses, mom jeans, and ruffles up to her neck. Who the hell wears shit like that? What decade is she living in? My mother doesn't even dress like that!"Raised by a monster, Kestrel Hart somehow survived. Now that the monster is dead, he's trying to move on, to pull himself together. Struggling with issues no one can imagine, he moves away from his family, from the brother who loves him and the sister-in-law who supports and understands him the best.Charleston, South Carolina is his new home. And he has a purpose. He's opening up a new division of his brother's corporation. But a surprise awaits him. Her name is Carter Drayton.Carter's past is also a painful one. She is dealing with the tragic death of her family. She's healing in the only way she knows how.Carter needs love. Kestrel craves human contact. Neither of them recognizes what's right before their eyes. Will they see it before it's too late?"I'll do anything you want. Anything." Then something comes over me. Call it madness. Desperation. Insanity. Call it whatever you want. I step right up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. Then I kiss him. He stands there like a chunk of stone. So I press my body up to him, and rub myself against him. I open my mouth and run my tongue over his lips, and then push it into his mouth. Nothing. No response. Humiliation sets in. I am not this girl. I'm the classic nerd. I don't have boyfriends. Where is this coming from?He pulls away from me and steps back, rubbing his mouth."I'm sorry, but you're not my type." His features initially register shock. But worse than that, distaste replaces it. That stings. Really stings. But even more dreadful, I am morbidly ashamed of myself. That doesn't stop me from digging myself into an even deeper hole."What? Am I not sexy enough? Are my clothes not revealing enough?""Um, Dr. Drayton, this is more than a bit awkward.""No, tell me. And my name is Carter.""You're propositioning me." Now I detect a hint of mockery."No, not propositioning. I want to strike a deal. You see, I'm a desperate woman. And desperate people do all kinds of things.""Carter, I'm really not interested.""I know I'm not very attractive, but if you want me to change the way I look, I can do that.""You don't understand.""What? Am I not good enough for you?"His eyes skim me from head to toe. "Good doesn't have anything to do with it. You're not bad enough for me."… (altro)
Titolo:Kestrel: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 3
Autori:A. M. Hargrove (Autore)
Info:AM Hargrove LLC (2015), Edition: 1, 379 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Kestrel di A. M. Hargrove

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I just finished Kestrel (Hart Brothers, #3) by A.M. Hargrove which wasn't bad. The blurb stated it was a stand alone in the Hart brothers world but I still felt like I had missed something. Not sure if that was because I didn't read anything before it or if it was actually a defect of the writer. Either way, I would read more by this author.
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  AddictedReader28 | Oct 20, 2017 |
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Kestrel (A Hart Brothers Novel)**Though is part of the Hart Brothers Series, This is a Stand Alone Novel**Not intended for readers under the age of 18 due to its mature content and strong language.Two lives with horrific pasts. One chance meeting that changed them both forever."One look at her and I want to run. Frizzy hair, thick glasses, mom jeans, and ruffles up to her neck. Who the hell wears shit like that? What decade is she living in? My mother doesn't even dress like that!"Raised by a monster, Kestrel Hart somehow survived. Now that the monster is dead, he's trying to move on, to pull himself together. Struggling with issues no one can imagine, he moves away from his family, from the brother who loves him and the sister-in-law who supports and understands him the best.Charleston, South Carolina is his new home. And he has a purpose. He's opening up a new division of his brother's corporation. But a surprise awaits him. Her name is Carter Drayton.Carter's past is also a painful one. She is dealing with the tragic death of her family. She's healing in the only way she knows how.Carter needs love. Kestrel craves human contact. Neither of them recognizes what's right before their eyes. Will they see it before it's too late?"I'll do anything you want. Anything." Then something comes over me. Call it madness. Desperation. Insanity. Call it whatever you want. I step right up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. Then I kiss him. He stands there like a chunk of stone. So I press my body up to him, and rub myself against him. I open my mouth and run my tongue over his lips, and then push it into his mouth. Nothing. No response. Humiliation sets in. I am not this girl. I'm the classic nerd. I don't have boyfriends. Where is this coming from?He pulls away from me and steps back, rubbing his mouth."I'm sorry, but you're not my type." His features initially register shock. But worse than that, distaste replaces it. That stings. Really stings. But even more dreadful, I am morbidly ashamed of myself. That doesn't stop me from digging myself into an even deeper hole."What? Am I not sexy enough? Are my clothes not revealing enough?""Um, Dr. Drayton, this is more than a bit awkward.""No, tell me. And my name is Carter.""You're propositioning me." Now I detect a hint of mockery."No, not propositioning. I want to strike a deal. You see, I'm a desperate woman. And desperate people do all kinds of things.""Carter, I'm really not interested.""I know I'm not very attractive, but if you want me to change the way I look, I can do that.""You don't understand.""What? Am I not good enough for you?"His eyes skim me from head to toe. "Good doesn't have anything to do with it. You're not bad enough for me."

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