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di Kassanna

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Bobby Jack believed in anarchy. He was taught, keep the races separate and let the best man survive. Fresh out of jail, he searches for his son, born while he was locked up. The journey takes Bobby Jack to dark places, ultimately leading him to an eye opening truth. Whit stepped in to take the toddler when his mama was arrested. She has her own troubles but couldn't stomach watching the little fella be taken away by Child Protective Services. Given her circumstances she does the best she can with what she has. He's a monster whose hate runs deep and she's a woman doing the best she can to keep from letting life break her. An unexpected turn of events sets these two people on a collision course and no one will walk away unscathed. Sometimes you can't stop from falling.***Warning*** There is explicit use of derogatory (racist) names used in this book you will find offensive. Graphic violence and sex scenes. ***… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dabit-of-a-list-tiger, Channasl, bookjunkie
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Bobby Jack believed in anarchy. He was taught, keep the races separate and let the best man survive. Fresh out of jail, he searches for his son, born while he was locked up. The journey takes Bobby Jack to dark places, ultimately leading him to an eye opening truth. Whit stepped in to take the toddler when his mama was arrested. She has her own troubles but couldn't stomach watching the little fella be taken away by Child Protective Services. Given her circumstances she does the best she can with what she has. He's a monster whose hate runs deep and she's a woman doing the best she can to keep from letting life break her. An unexpected turn of events sets these two people on a collision course and no one will walk away unscathed. Sometimes you can't stop from falling.***Warning*** There is explicit use of derogatory (racist) names used in this book you will find offensive. Graphic violence and sex scenes. ***

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