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Devotions from the Beth Moore Library Audio CD, Volume 2

di Beth Moore

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Devotions from the Beth Moore Library Audio CD, Volume 2 is a 2-disc audio CD set that includes 12 devotional segments from Beth's original Bible studies. Enjoy your travel time in the car by listening to some of the most uplifting, memorable, Scripture-based messages from beloved author Beth Moore. Each devotion is approximately 10 minutes in length--perfect for growing closer to God while you commute or run errands. This CD Set includes inspiring Scripture-based lessons that will offer you encouragement for your daily routine. Also makes a great gift Tracks include: The Good Life (James)Jesus, Our Passover (Stepping Up)Overcoming Friendly Captivity (Daniel)The Beautiful Heart (David)Our With Need (A Woman's Heart)Courage in Discouragement (Believing God)Discipline in Waiting (Esther)Powerful Prayer (Beloved Disciple)Glory of God (David)Shekinah of Christ (James)Reversal of Destiny (Esther)God's Call (The Patriarchs)Benefits: Two-CD setMake the most of your travel time by listening to uplifting godly messagesEach track is about 10 minutes in length--ideal when running errands or commutingAuthor: Beth Moore is an author and Bible teacher of best-selling Bible studies and books for women. She is the founder of Living Proof Ministries and speaker at Living Proof Live women's events across the US. Her mission is to lead women everywhere into a richer, more fulfilling relationship with the Father through biblical literacy--guiding believers to love and live God's Word. Beth loves the Lord, loves to laugh, and loves to be with His people.… (altro)
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Devotions from the Beth Moore Library Audio CD, Volume 2 is a 2-disc audio CD set that includes 12 devotional segments from Beth's original Bible studies. Enjoy your travel time in the car by listening to some of the most uplifting, memorable, Scripture-based messages from beloved author Beth Moore. Each devotion is approximately 10 minutes in length--perfect for growing closer to God while you commute or run errands. This CD Set includes inspiring Scripture-based lessons that will offer you encouragement for your daily routine. Also makes a great gift Tracks include: The Good Life (James)Jesus, Our Passover (Stepping Up)Overcoming Friendly Captivity (Daniel)The Beautiful Heart (David)Our With Need (A Woman's Heart)Courage in Discouragement (Believing God)Discipline in Waiting (Esther)Powerful Prayer (Beloved Disciple)Glory of God (David)Shekinah of Christ (James)Reversal of Destiny (Esther)God's Call (The Patriarchs)Benefits: Two-CD setMake the most of your travel time by listening to uplifting godly messagesEach track is about 10 minutes in length--ideal when running errands or commutingAuthor: Beth Moore is an author and Bible teacher of best-selling Bible studies and books for women. She is the founder of Living Proof Ministries and speaker at Living Proof Live women's events across the US. Her mission is to lead women everywhere into a richer, more fulfilling relationship with the Father through biblical literacy--guiding believers to love and live God's Word. Beth loves the Lord, loves to laugh, and loves to be with His people.

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