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Devotions for Men (2 Audio CDs) (LifeWay Press)

di Lifeway Adults

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Devotions for Men - Audio CDs is a collection of highlights from selected LifeWay Bible studies for men. It's ideal for use when you don't have enough time for concentrated reading or in-depth Bible study. You can listen while you're commuting to work, exercising, completing the honey-do list--anytime you need a little extra wisdom and encouragement for the challenges you face as a man. The 12 segments average 10 minutes in length.Authors and subjects included on this men's audio devotional CD: Tony Evans--Wanted: Kingdom MenEric Mason--Becoming a Man of VisionKenny Luck--Soaring with the SpiritTony Evans--Finding Your PurposeKenny Luck--The Enemy's Game PlanTierce Green--Battling Idols in Your LifeKenny Luck--Maintaining Sexual IntegrityJohn Bryson--Healing from Past WoundsEric Mason--Becoming Your Family's Spiritual LeaderKenny Luck--Connecting with Your WifeTony Dungy and Mark Merrill--Setting an Example as a DadJohn Croyle--Be a GiantFeatures: Best-selling authors and leaders in men's ministry12 inspiring devotions on topics of interest to men, averaging 10 minutes in lengthBenefits: Offers convenient access to reliable biblical truth from trusted men's teachersHelps you grow spiritually by focusing your heart and mind on God's will and purposes Provides strategic biblical wisdom and practical tools for tackling the unique challenges you face each day as a manLeads you to be a better husband and father… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daHope_CC, FBCK
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Devotions for Men - Audio CDs is a collection of highlights from selected LifeWay Bible studies for men. It's ideal for use when you don't have enough time for concentrated reading or in-depth Bible study. You can listen while you're commuting to work, exercising, completing the honey-do list--anytime you need a little extra wisdom and encouragement for the challenges you face as a man. The 12 segments average 10 minutes in length.Authors and subjects included on this men's audio devotional CD: Tony Evans--Wanted: Kingdom MenEric Mason--Becoming a Man of VisionKenny Luck--Soaring with the SpiritTony Evans--Finding Your PurposeKenny Luck--The Enemy's Game PlanTierce Green--Battling Idols in Your LifeKenny Luck--Maintaining Sexual IntegrityJohn Bryson--Healing from Past WoundsEric Mason--Becoming Your Family's Spiritual LeaderKenny Luck--Connecting with Your WifeTony Dungy and Mark Merrill--Setting an Example as a DadJohn Croyle--Be a GiantFeatures: Best-selling authors and leaders in men's ministry12 inspiring devotions on topics of interest to men, averaging 10 minutes in lengthBenefits: Offers convenient access to reliable biblical truth from trusted men's teachersHelps you grow spiritually by focusing your heart and mind on God's will and purposes Provides strategic biblical wisdom and practical tools for tackling the unique challenges you face each day as a manLeads you to be a better husband and father

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