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The Lost Notebook: Herman Schultheis & the Secrets of Walt Disney's Movie Magic

di John Canemaker

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36Nessuno701,125 (5)Nessuno
Discover the secrets behind Fantasia, Pinocchio, Dumbo, and Bambi--all through the lens of early animation's most enigmatic and fascinating character, Herman Schultheis. A technician at the Disney Studio in the late 1930s, Schultheis kept a covert scrapbook of special effects wizardry, capturing in photographs and text the dazzling, behind-the-scenes ingenuity of early Disney films. Later, when he mysteriously disappeared into a Guatemalan jungle, his notebook was forgotten ... and with it, the stories of how these beloved animated classics were made. Miraculously unearthed in a chest of drawers in 1990, Schultheis's notebook is now available for all to see at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco--and in this compelling and beautiful book. Part annotated facsimile of the scrapbook itself, part biography of the complicated, overly ambitious man who made it, The Lost Notebook is a goldmine for Disney and animation enthusiasts and a vivid, riveting account of one man's plight to make it big in early Hollywood.… (altro)
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Discover the secrets behind Fantasia, Pinocchio, Dumbo, and Bambi--all through the lens of early animation's most enigmatic and fascinating character, Herman Schultheis. A technician at the Disney Studio in the late 1930s, Schultheis kept a covert scrapbook of special effects wizardry, capturing in photographs and text the dazzling, behind-the-scenes ingenuity of early Disney films. Later, when he mysteriously disappeared into a Guatemalan jungle, his notebook was forgotten ... and with it, the stories of how these beloved animated classics were made. Miraculously unearthed in a chest of drawers in 1990, Schultheis's notebook is now available for all to see at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco--and in this compelling and beautiful book. Part annotated facsimile of the scrapbook itself, part biography of the complicated, overly ambitious man who made it, The Lost Notebook is a goldmine for Disney and animation enthusiasts and a vivid, riveting account of one man's plight to make it big in early Hollywood.

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