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Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce: Slash Your Grocery Bill

di Lyn Webster

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4Nessuno3,516,283 (3)Nessuno
A few years ago, the recession caught up with me. Caught short with no cash reserves, I risked losing everything, in a last-ditch effort to save the day, I slashed the family grocery budget to just $100 a week - and never looked back. I've saved literally thousands of dollars. With a little bit of planning, a shred of willpower and a whole lot of baking soda, you can do the same! If you want to get ahead in life; both financially and sustainably, budgeting guru Lyn Webster can help. Now is your chance to learn- how to shop smarter what to grow in your garden the joys of baking soda and vinegar how to make more than 30 handy recipes - from meals, treats and snacks to homemade cleaning products and cosmetics clever ways to save, save, save. With a Pig Tits attitude, you'll soon be on the road to financial freedom - and you'll get there by making simple, healthy and sustainable choices. So join Lyn as she shows you how to make a little go a LOT further. Also available as an eBook… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dalittlesquirrel, RefPenny, grahamhay, MungBean
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A few years ago, the recession caught up with me. Caught short with no cash reserves, I risked losing everything, in a last-ditch effort to save the day, I slashed the family grocery budget to just $100 a week - and never looked back. I've saved literally thousands of dollars. With a little bit of planning, a shred of willpower and a whole lot of baking soda, you can do the same! If you want to get ahead in life; both financially and sustainably, budgeting guru Lyn Webster can help. Now is your chance to learn- how to shop smarter what to grow in your garden the joys of baking soda and vinegar how to make more than 30 handy recipes - from meals, treats and snacks to homemade cleaning products and cosmetics clever ways to save, save, save. With a Pig Tits attitude, you'll soon be on the road to financial freedom - and you'll get there by making simple, healthy and sustainable choices. So join Lyn as she shows you how to make a little go a LOT further. Also available as an eBook

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