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Who Killed Chrissy?: The True Crime Memoir of a Pittsburgh girl's Unsolved Murder in Las Vegas

di Beverly Simcic

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A miracle, a vision, a premonition, and an unsolved death in Las Vegas, have hung in my memory like a broken antique for the last twenty four years of my life. I've had that long to think about the reason it all happened in the first place and why I was drawn to, and ultimately placed in the old apartment building on Riverview Avenue in Pittsburgh. If you believe that nothing happens by accident, or if you have lost your faith, this true story of fate and divine intervention will shed a bright light on all the possibilities.I've had this true story locked in my mind since June of 1982. I have never told this story to anyone--for reasons of paralyzing fear and the fact that the murder has never been solved.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daOryphany, nospi, Koren56, UM3050, In2it, cleoppa
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A miracle, a vision, a premonition, and an unsolved death in Las Vegas, have hung in my memory like a broken antique for the last twenty four years of my life. I've had that long to think about the reason it all happened in the first place and why I was drawn to, and ultimately placed in the old apartment building on Riverview Avenue in Pittsburgh. If you believe that nothing happens by accident, or if you have lost your faith, this true story of fate and divine intervention will shed a bright light on all the possibilities.I've had this true story locked in my mind since June of 1982. I have never told this story to anyone--for reasons of paralyzing fear and the fact that the murder has never been solved.

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