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Redlaw: Red Eye

di James Lovegrove

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34Nessuno735,360 (3.75)Nessuno
John Redlaw, policeman to the damned, marginalised vampires, comes to America to uncover a devastaing conspiracy. Emigrant vampries are the bane and burden of the modern world, they have few friends and only one defender, Redlaw, a man conflicted in his loyalties to humanity and to justice. The eastern seaboard of the USA is experiencing the worst winter weather in living memory, and John Redlaw is in the cold white thick of it. He's come to America to investigate a series of vicious attacks on vampire immigrants - targeted kills that can't simply be the work of amateur vigilantes. Dogging his footsteps is Tina "Tick" Checkley, a wannabe TV journalist with an eye on the big time. The conspiracy Redlaw uncovers could give Tina the career break she's been looking for. It could also spell death for Redlaw.… (altro)
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John Redlaw, policeman to the damned, marginalised vampires, comes to America to uncover a devastaing conspiracy. Emigrant vampries are the bane and burden of the modern world, they have few friends and only one defender, Redlaw, a man conflicted in his loyalties to humanity and to justice. The eastern seaboard of the USA is experiencing the worst winter weather in living memory, and John Redlaw is in the cold white thick of it. He's come to America to investigate a series of vicious attacks on vampire immigrants - targeted kills that can't simply be the work of amateur vigilantes. Dogging his footsteps is Tina "Tick" Checkley, a wannabe TV journalist with an eye on the big time. The conspiracy Redlaw uncovers could give Tina the career break she's been looking for. It could also spell death for Redlaw.

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