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Melbourne & surrounds : a discovery guide

di Steve Parish

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Daytrippers, domestic travellers and international visitors will love this handy, inexpensive guide to Melbourne and its surrounding natural assets. But MELBOURNE & BEYOND is more than just a travel guide - it is a discovery in itself! Readers will learn about the region's rich Indigenous heritage, its industry and agricultural purposes, and the evolution and conservation of its diverse environments. All of the best campsites, lakes, attractions, historic sites, architecture, scenic drives, national parks and landmarks are packed within the guide's well laid-out, eye-catching pages. Throughout the region-by-region colour-coded format, full colour photographs (taken on Steve's own excursions) and detailed maps, help plot a journey from Federation Square and the Yarra's banks to the iconic Twelve Apostles or to the snowfields of Alpine National Park. Discover the Dandenongs, Echuca, Ballarat, the Grampians, Warrnambool, Phillip Island and the forests and beaches of Wilsons Promontory - all within an easy driving tour of Australia's culture, cuisine and couture capital. A focus on "going bush" details the best walking trails, waterfalls and natural attractions, while natural history break-out boxes tell readers where they’re most likely to catch a glimpse of wildlife or flora. Start your own journey today, with a Steve Parish Discovery Guide as your passenger, to see for yourself the wonders of MELBOURNE & BEYOND.… (altro)
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Daytrippers, domestic travellers and international visitors will love this handy, inexpensive guide to Melbourne and its surrounding natural assets. But MELBOURNE & BEYOND is more than just a travel guide - it is a discovery in itself! Readers will learn about the region's rich Indigenous heritage, its industry and agricultural purposes, and the evolution and conservation of its diverse environments. All of the best campsites, lakes, attractions, historic sites, architecture, scenic drives, national parks and landmarks are packed within the guide's well laid-out, eye-catching pages. Throughout the region-by-region colour-coded format, full colour photographs (taken on Steve's own excursions) and detailed maps, help plot a journey from Federation Square and the Yarra's banks to the iconic Twelve Apostles or to the snowfields of Alpine National Park. Discover the Dandenongs, Echuca, Ballarat, the Grampians, Warrnambool, Phillip Island and the forests and beaches of Wilsons Promontory - all within an easy driving tour of Australia's culture, cuisine and couture capital. A focus on "going bush" details the best walking trails, waterfalls and natural attractions, while natural history break-out boxes tell readers where they’re most likely to catch a glimpse of wildlife or flora. Start your own journey today, with a Steve Parish Discovery Guide as your passenger, to see for yourself the wonders of MELBOURNE & BEYOND.

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