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Always Been You: A Novel

di Tracy Luu

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Jenna thought she had everything she needed happiness, laughter, friends, and a terrific family that loves and cares for her. She'll be a senior in high school this fall and after that, college beckons. Yep, life is perfect, except for one small little glitch: she's in love with her best friend, Jacob Bennett. Everybody thought that she had gotten over her silly crush on Jacob ever since tenth grade. In a way, they were right; but what she didn't realize was that even though she managed to convince herself she was over him, the feelings that still remained were more than just friendship. Helplessly trapped with her feelings, how can she ever tell Jacob how much she loves him without ruining what they already have? As the year goes on, both Jacob and Jenna must come face to face with their feelings. And in the end, their decision just might affect the rest of their lives Full of humor and romance, Always Been You is a touching novel about the strength of friendship and true love.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente damvuijlst, ForrestFamily
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Jenna thought she had everything she needed happiness, laughter, friends, and a terrific family that loves and cares for her. She'll be a senior in high school this fall and after that, college beckons. Yep, life is perfect, except for one small little glitch: she's in love with her best friend, Jacob Bennett. Everybody thought that she had gotten over her silly crush on Jacob ever since tenth grade. In a way, they were right; but what she didn't realize was that even though she managed to convince herself she was over him, the feelings that still remained were more than just friendship. Helplessly trapped with her feelings, how can she ever tell Jacob how much she loves him without ruining what they already have? As the year goes on, both Jacob and Jenna must come face to face with their feelings. And in the end, their decision just might affect the rest of their lives Full of humor and romance, Always Been You is a touching novel about the strength of friendship and true love.

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